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The Daily Pap
The Daily Pap
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Linked To Obstructive Sleep Apnea
A new UK study published in the American Journal ofÂRespiratory and Critical Care Medicine reveals that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is independently linked to diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The researchers note that the severity of the DPN is also associated with the degree of OSA as well as the severity of nocturnal hypoxemia...
Medical News Today


Pop star Daniel Bedingfield has undergone a study amid fears he suffers from a sleep disorder.

The Gotta Get Thru This hitmaker visited a clinic on Monday night where doctors ran tests to confirm he has developed sleep apnea, which causes abnormal breathing while the sufferer dozes.

The singer posted a number of images on his Twitter.com page which showed him hooked up to equipment allowing technicians to monitor him as he snoozes.

Taking to the social networking site, the star writes, "So I guess I have sleep apnia (sic) and I'm going in to do a sleep study to find out why."


Less than 6 hours sleep significantly increases risk of a stroke even if you are fit and healthy

If you need an excuse for a long lie-in, this could be it.
Those of us who regularly get fewer than six hours of sleep a night are at significantly increased risk of stroke, a study suggests.
Researchers found that those in middle age who skimped on sleep were more likely to suffer stroke symptoms than those who got at least nine hours of shut-eye – even if they were a healthy weight and with no family history of stroke.

Happy Reading Big Grin

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RE: The Daily Pap
Interesting stuff Dreamcatcher! Thanks for sharing.

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RE: The Daily Pap
Sleep Apnea in Teens Could Lead to Behavioral Issues

Sleep apnea in teenagers has been linked to behavioral and social problems, according to a recent study‘ by the University of Arizona. In addition to these particular problems, kids who suffered from the disorder are at a much higher risk of developing issues with anger management, concentration, learning, and hyperactivity. If they are left untreated, these individuals may lose the ability to properly care for themselves as they reach adulthood.

MedicineNet reports that the study followed 263 children for a period of five years. During that time, researchers discovered that children with sleep apnea were two and three times more likely to develop behavioral problems than teens who didn’t have the disorder. However, although sleep apnea has been linked to these issues, researchers stress that it does not directly cause the aforementioned problems.

“If left untreated, [obstructive sleep apnea] negatively impacts a youth’s ability to regulate their behaviors, emotions and social interactions,” study lead author Michelle Perfec explained. “These behaviors can interfere with their ability to care for themselves and engage in socially appropriate behaviors — skills that are needed to be successful in school.”

Sleep apnea is a disorder in which the airway become obstructed during slumber. Symptoms include snoring, dry mouth, morning headache, and waking up suddenly during the night with a shortness of breath. Although snoring itself is not necessarily a sign of sleep apnea, a problem may exist if these bouts of snoring are punctuated by periods of silence.

Sleep apnea treatment might boost men's sex lives

(HealthDay News) -- In younger men, sleep apnea and impotence often go hand in hand. But a small study finds that treating the sleep disorder with a mechanical device can jump-start a guy's sex life.

Erectile dysfunction resolved in 17 of 42 men who used machines that maintain air flow throughout the night. And even those without sexual dysfunction who used the CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) devices reported a boost in sexual performance, the study found.

While earlier studies have produced similar results, this one is especially strong, said Dr. Steven Park, an ear, nose and throat physician and sleep medicine specialist familiar with the new findings.

The study "has huge implications," said Park, of Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. "If you snore or you're tired and you're having intimacy issues, consider getting tested for obstructive sleep apnea," he said.

Sleep apnea treatments have revitalized his male patients, Park noted. "In my practice, one of the most common comments is that they're having erections again upon wakening in the morning," he said.

"Bed partners report improved relations," Park added.

The National Sleep Foundation estimates that 18 million Americans have obstructive sleep apnea, but 90 percent may not know it.

People with sleep apnea subconsciously awaken many times a night -- even dozens of times an hour -- because their airways close, disrupting their breathing. Sleep apnea sufferers often snore heavily and are tired during the day.

Erectile dysfunction is common among men with sleep apnea, said Park, author of the book Sleep, Interrupted: A physician reveals the #1 reason why so many of us are sick and tired.

"Having multiple breathing pauses at night causes a massive stress response, increasing your fight-or-flight response, and reproductive function is your last priority when you're being chased by a tiger or in even fighting off an attack," Park said.

"Also, arousal and erection are activated by the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls digestion and reproduction, so too much stress will lessen these functions," he explained.

In the new study, researchers at the Walter Reed Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., followed 92 men, average age 46, who began using CPAP machines after being diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. While sleeping, patients wear masks connected to machines that send pressurized air into the throat to keep the airway open throughout the night.

The average participant was overweight. Forty-six percent reported erectile dysfunction, and 27 percent said they had diminished libido.

After six months, the researchers found that sexual function and satisfaction improved in the CPAP device users, and erectile dysfunction vanished in 41 percent of those who'd had erection issues.

Joyce Walsleben, a sleep medicine specialist and associate professor of medicine at the New York University School of Medicine, said the devices probably boost energy by improving sleep.

"It may well have to do with increased oxygen and the production of hormones and other neurotransmitters being reset," Walsleben said.

CPAP machines aren't for everyone. They're expensive -- prices range from several hundred dollars to more than $1,000 -- and some sleep apnea patients can't tolerate them. However, other treatments, such as surgery, exist for sleep apnea.

As for whether wearing a mask-and-hose getup ruins the mood in bed, Walsleben had this to say: "I can tell you that from people I know with the device, happy bed partners are much more interested in sex -- before or after sleep -- than those who are fighting over snoring or sleeping in separate rooms."

The study -- scheduled for presentation Wednesday at the Associated Professional Sleep Societies meeting in Boston -- doesn't prove that CPAP will boost a man's performance, or resolve sexual dysfunction. It merely shows an association between apnea treatment and a happier sex life.

Treating sleep apnea often improves other risks associated with the sleep disorder, including high blood pressure.

Data and conclusions of research presented at medical meetings should be considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed medical journal.


Sleep Apnea May Spur Carb Cravings in Diabetics

(HealthDay News) -- People with diabetes are at increased risk for obstructive sleep apnea, which appears to boost their craving for carbohydrates, a new study suggests.

Because unrestricted carbohydrates can harm someone with diabetes, the findings point to the need for primary care doctors to screen for obstructive sleep apnea in patients with type 2 diabetes, the study authors said.

The researchers checked 55 people for diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea and carbohydrate cravings, and found that more than half of them had diabetes. Eighty-two percent of the diabetic patients had obstructive sleep apnea, and diabetic patients had nearly double the risk of carbohydrate cravings as those without diabetes.

The investigators also found that patients with sleep apnea were nearly twice as likely to have high carbohydrate cravings as patients without the sleep disorder.

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the tissue in the back of the throat blocks the airway, which causes people to stop breathing while they are sleeping. The condition disrupts sleep and can cause daytime fatigue, and increases the risk of other health problems such as heart disease and stroke.

The study was scheduled for presentation Wednesday at the annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies in Boston.

The findings offer an indication of the degree that sleep apnea can affect carbohydrate craving in people with diabetes, said study co-investigator Dr. Mahmood Siddique, clinical associate professor of medicine at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Brunswick, N.J.

"Previous studies have shown that sleep deprivation may lead to changes in hormones that regulate appetite and hunger," Siddique said in a news release from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. "These hormonal changes can lead to significant craving for high-calorie carbohydrates such as cookies, candy, breads, rice and potatoes. The current study supports previous findings by validating this in a community sample of diabetics."

People with diabetes have excess blood sugar. Because carbohydrates break down into sugar in the body, they have the greatest impact of all the food groups on blood glucose level. Carbohydrates found in fresh fruit and whole grains are generally safer for patients with diabetes than sugary carbs.

An East Coast expert said doctors should be alert for sleep apnea among their diabetic patients. "Current national guidelines on the management of diabetes need to consider sleep apnea as an independent risk factor more vigorously," study principal investigator Dr. Anthony Cannon said in the news release.

"The management of patients with diabetes and or metabolic syndrome based solely on [drug therapy], exercise and nutritional modifications without taking into account the risk of sleep apnea may not lead to optimal outcomes for patients suffering from these chronic diseases," added Cannon, the American Diabetes Association regional president for central and southern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey.

Cannon added that sleep apnea is often undiagnosed by primary care physicians. "Public policy can play a key role in the educational awareness of the association between sleep apnea and diabetes among both physicians and patients," he concluded.

While the study uncovered an association between sleep apnea and carb cravings in diabetics, it did not prove a cause-and-effect relationship.
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RE: The Daily Pap
Interesting...maybe we should rename it Destructive Sleep Apnea!
As always, YMMV! You do not have to agree or disagree, I am not a professional so my mental meanderings are simply recollections of things from my own life.

PRS1 - Auto - A-Flex x2 - 12.50 - 20 - Humid x2 - Swift FX
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RE: The Daily Pap
Sorin Group, (MIL:SRN) (Reuters Code: SORN.MI), a global medical device company and a leader in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, announced today the first patient enrolment in the DREAM clinical trial. The primary objective of the study is to evaluate sensitivity and positive predictive value of Sleep Apnea Monitoring (SAM) in pacemaker patients, compared to polysomnography, the gold standard test to diagnose sleep apnea disorders.

This European multi-center, non-randomized, longitudinal study uses REPLY™ 2001, a new implantable pacemaker from Sorin Group, featuring SAM. This innovative feature is designed to screen and monitor Sleep Apnea Syndrome (SAS)2 in bradyarrhythmia patients implanted with a pacemaker, using sensors embedded in the implanted device

SAS, the most common sleep breathing disorder, is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality3,4. The prevalence of SAS in patients suffering from bradyarrhythmia is shown to be high. Results from a 2007 study demonstrated that 3 out of 5 patients implanted with a pacemaker had some degree of SAS, and that 1 out of 5 suffered from severe SAS5. Unfortunately, the vast majority of sleep apnea patients remain undiagnosed6. During Cardiostim 2012 – 18th World Congress in Cardiac Electrophysiology and Cardiac Techniques, Sorin is supporting a Scientific Session dedicated to the role of cardiologists in sleep apnea managements on Wednesday, June 13th from 14:00 to 15:30.

According to the principal study investigator, Pascal Defaye, M.D. at University Hospital, Grenoble, France, “screening and monitoring sleep apnea in pacemaker patients makes sense. Sleep breathing disorders are common in patients implanted with pacemakers. Because sleep apnea increases the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, being able to screen and monitor this syndrome with a new pacemaker feature will, I believe, help improve our patients’ condition in the long run”.

“Sorin Group is relentlessly dedicated to improving patient care” said Stefano Di Lullo, Sorin Group, President of the CRM Business Unit. “We are proud to initiate a study that aims to evaluate a new and advanced SAS feature that will help physicians better manage their patients’ cardiovascular co-morbidities.

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RE: The Daily Pap
Former Vikings and NFL Greats Tackle Sleep Apnea at Upcoming Minneapolis Event

Former Minneapolis Vikings players Chuck Foreman, Carl Eller, Stu Voigt, Bob Lurtsema, Greg Coleman, along with other NFL greats, Mike Haynes, Derrick Kennard, and Lee Nystrom, President of NFL Alumni Minneapolis chapter, are coming together to tackle sleep apnea at an upcoming awareness event on June 24.

The Minneapolis awareness event is part of a series of national campaign events, “Tackling Sleep Apnea.” It will take place at the Hilton Double Tree Hotel located at 7800 Normandale Blvd, in Bloomington, MN and will begin at 5 p.m. The event is free to the public. Former NFL players will share their stories and experience with sleep apnea. The players will also be available to sign autographs afterwards. There will be a question and answer session for the press beginning at 4 p.m.

As part of the national sleep apnea awareness campaign, Minneapolis residents are being offered free in-home sleep testing and free sleep apnea treatments. Residents must pre-register to participate in the free in-home sleep testing/ treatment program at SleepTest.com/minneapolis or by calling 1-855-MYSLEEP.

Dr. Rodney Willey, DDS, D’ACSDD, from the Illinois Institute of Dental Sleep Medicine, will be an event speaker on Sunday. He is currently mentoring Minneapolis dentists to spread sleep apnea awareness and treatment. One local dentist working with Willey, Dr. Michael Roscher, DDS, Newport MN, treated former NFL Viking Stu Voigt for sleep apnea. “Voigt fell asleep in the dental chair while the oral appliance was being administered,” said Roscher.

Stu Voigt said, “My oral appliance is awesome. After the third night, I didn’t even realize I was wearing it. I wish oral appliance therapy was offered to me when I was originally diagnosed with sleep apnea because I feel so much better and I’m no longer tired anymore.”

Stu had a sleep study several years ago and had been treated with CPAP therapy but was never able to tolerate the CPAP mask. Over the years, his apnea worsened. At that time, Stu’s sleep study showed an oxygen de-saturation as low as 70% while sleeping. Board certified sleep physician Dr. Rodolfo Martinez Ferrate, MD, said, "Stu Voigt was a dead man walking before he was successfully treated for sleep apnea. This NFL awareness campaign is really helping people."

This week Chuck Foreman will be screened and tested for sleep apnea. For more information on Foreman and details on the event, please contact us imediately. To qualify for an in-home sleep test, participants must register online at SleepTest.com/minneapolis or call 1-855-MY-SLEEP prior to the event.


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