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Theoretically, could there be PAP-pods ? (whole body pressurized sleep)
RE: Theoretically, could there be PAP-pods ? (whole body pressurized sleep)
"Not trying to be obtuse, just trying to get my head around it."

One big mental hurdle here is realizing that it's not what happens when you step into the chamber.  It's what happens when you've been in there for a while.  Some things might happen as you change from low pressure to high pressure, but that's  only going to happen once per night.  Think of it this way, if that effect does do something it only gives you one extra breath per night.  The analogy isn't perfect, but hopefully, it makes the effects clearer.

You also may be thinking of the effects of higher overall atmospheric pressure and things like O2 concentration in the air.  CPAP pressures are only about 1% of atmospheric pressure.  They don't make a lot of mechanical effect on your body unless it's something like CPAP pressure inside your airway and normal pressure outside your body.

We're very familiar with hyperbaric chambers, and they can have significant effects, but those are much higher pressures and are a big deal from a mechanical standpoint.  They don't directly fix apnea even if they give you higher levels of O2.  They also have a set of associated problems.
Get the free OSCAR CPAP software here.
Useful links.
Click here for information on the main alternative to CPAP.
If it's midnight and a DME tells you it's dark outside, go and check it yourself.
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