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Therapy improvements and issues question
Therapy improvements and issues question
[parts of this thread were copied from our old forum]

What problems if any would you like to see improvement with the therapy and may be tells us if you wake up feeling refreshed.


zimlich wrote:
zonk, in the scheme of things I am not that long time of a user- three years. In that time with every effort made, my doctors have been unable to titrate me to an acceptable AHI and AI. I have come to the conclusion that it is due to a combination of pain and psychiatric meds than I have taken long term. In particular I take vicodin and in combination with klonopin I think the sedation increases my AHI. I wake up refreshed in the morning and usually do not suffer from sleepiness during the day if my AHI is under 10 and my AI under 2. Otherwise I take Nuvigil. I am making every effort to find non narcotic pain relief to see if that makes a difference in my numbers. I understand some CPAP users never get over their EDS.
Good topic, looking forward to the replies.

Ltmedic66 wrote:
zonk, here's what I would like to see:

I want a quieter mask. Although the sounds from the vent port are not that loud and my wife doesn't even hear it, it does bother me sometimes when trying to fall asleep.

I want a mask that is comfortable in any sleeping postion, and that does not require adjustment when changing positions (I like to roll around during the night).

I would like to find a good solution to mouth leak (I don't consider chin straps or taping to be good solutions...).

I do not want face marks, ever.

I am not sure I would say I wake up refreshed all the time, though I have a pretty strange work schedule that results in frequent sleep interruptions, so even "normal" people in my field don't feel rested. However, I can say that I no longer am dragging with fatigue all the time. I have greatly reduced migraine headaches on CPAP, and I can read or work on the computer for long periods of time without nodding off.

So, on the whole, CPAP has been a big postive, but there are a few things I wish I could tweak.

zimlich wrote:
I would like to have a better AHI and AI and for that I need to wean off or cut down on some prescription meds I take. I have cut my vicodin use dramatically and cut my klonopin by 1/3 and my numbers are already better. I have a great mask- the Respironics FitLife Total Face Mask and like my machine. I may titrate up one cm to see if I have any more improvement in my numbers.

JudgeMental wrote:
The CPAP (therapy & equipment) is a small inconvenience in my opinion, aimed towards improving my overall health, wellbeing and longevity. I'm thankful that I have been timely diagnosed and have the availability both financially and professionally to have the equipment to combat OSA. Although my AHI numbers are not perfect (7 day = 7.5), I no longer jump up in the middle of the night gasping, snoring or snorting as was the case pre_CPAP 6 yrs ago. That couldn;t (it isn;t) good for your health.

Thankfully,.. software, machine capability and a great forum with well intention posters, such as this, is avbl to chase the numbers in order to lower my AHI, but I have not instigated the enthusiasm to do so. Don;t ask why, 'cause I don't know why.
If I had as much enthusiasm at lowering my AHI as I do my golf handicap,,,the AHI would be at 0..

Zonk...to answer the question....
1. I like to have a lower AHI

2. Make a hose that was softer and more flexible (I know, its just a small thing)

MyronW wrote:
I've been using CPAP for ten years now, waiting for the miracle. Fighting with rainout, mouth venting, afternoon sleepiness, weight gain, all the problems I had before I went on CPAP. I have the hose sleeve, the hose hanger, even a reptile warmer inside the sleeve (which works awesome to stop rainout), but the miracle never happened for me as far as all the extra energy I was supposed to get. I tinkered with the settings for years. Up a little, down a little, up, up...
Until a month ago! That's when I plunked down the money out of my pocket and replaced my Breeze nasal pillow headgear with a Quattro FX full face mask. Now that I can't mouth vent, the splint is finally working, and I feel amazing! I was taping my mouth shut tight every night, and I was sure that I had fixed the problem, but no way.
The new mask is not without issues. I'm still learning how to fix eye leaks and get it just right every night, but I could kick myself for not addressing this ten years ago. What a waste of time! I'll be getting a new machine next week- I requested a ResMed S9 Elite and hopefully they came through for me- and I can't wait.


Ltmedic66 wrote:

I you are having rainout issues, I would strongly suggest that you get the Climateline with your S9. I use a Fisher & Paykel Sleepstyle 604 that has a heated hose, and I have never had an issue with rainout. I don't even get moisture droplets on the hose. I think a heated hose is the ONLY way to go if you are using humidification.

MyronW wrote:
The first Quattro mask I bought was a medium, based on printing out the paper sizing guide. When the mask came, it included the real sizing tool, which indicated I should have bought a small. Too late, because of the no-return policy on masks. I got it to work pretty well, but I had to pull it a lot tighter than I thought it should be, so as soon as my insurance company would buy me another one I bought a small. It works much, much better.

I just got a call from my DME and confirmed that I am getting the S9 Elite with the climateline hose. I pick it on Monday.

Oh, dagnabbit. I just realized I was so adamant about getting an APAP that I told them to get me the CPAP model . Great. I just screwed myself. Now I am bummed. At least I'll have a much better set of tools to titrate with.

HeadGear wrote:
I would like the perfect solution to CPAP therapy when all stuffed up with a cold or flu! I don't have the secret, but have relied, successfully, on using Otrivin for 3-4 days, when necessary in the past 8 years. Last time, it backfired, taking weeks to get back to normal! I do use Neil Med's NasoGel for occasional dry congestion, but that won't work on a cold!
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