In the meantime, for the last month, I have been using my old (but little used) PR SystemOne60 BiPAP because I am miserably short of sleep. I have tried various settings on the SysOne over the last month but on any setting my AHI varies wildly and my sleep is always bad. Your Zombie chart is appropriate.
I have read as many Oscar articles as I can, but I can barely think anymore, I am so chronically short of sleep. I thought that probably maybe I have a positional apnea problem. I have tried using a soft cervical collar, which definitely prevents chin tucking, isn't too tight, but has no effect on my sleep, either subjectively or by the numbers. I usually sleep on my side, but I also lowered my pillow height so that if I go on my back my passage is not kinked. I also tried keeping my chin more tucked when on my side; I didn't note that on my record but I believe it made things worse. I could try it again...?
Even at the same setting, everything varies: some nights only OA, some over half CA. Over the last two weeks, AHI has ranged from 3 (the only time <5) to 45, usually 20-30. I have tried settings on both AutoBiPAP and BiLevel; from I/E 6/4 to 10/6; various levels of PS and flex. I am guessing that something like 10/5 might work, if I could use it on BiLevel so I don't wake up with aerophagia and cramping and turn the whole thing off.
But about BiLevel: I have more trouble with aerophagia on AutoB: I wake up feeling about 7 months pregnant and bending over to minimize cramping. But I have not been able to figure out the machine's pressure response on BiLevel: for example, on 7/26 the setting was 10/4 +flex2, AHI of 45 but Max pressure was only 5.9. Why didn't it use 10 as the pressure? It seems to ignore the pressure setting every time I try BiLevel (I thought BiLevel would be better for aerophagia).
So I went back to AutoB, but on three recent days the machine seemed to turn itself off. The first time (8/1 AutoB) it ran for 90 minutes, then there was a 90 minute gap, until I woke up and restarted it. The next day (8/2 AutoB) it ran 30 minutes then shut off. The next day (8/3) I tried BiLevel, being very sure I turned it on, and it failed to record the entire first half of the night, until I woke up and restarted it. Last night (8/4) I put it back on AutoBiLevel and turned off the AutoON and AutoOFF in settings. It ran the course, but with aerophagia 7 and cramping, AHI 31.
I am puzzled in so many ways, I don't know what to try next. I *assume* using the BiPap is better than nothing but I can barely think anymore I am so chronically short of sleep. I am not sure whether I told you what you need to know, and I apologize if I told you things you don't. I have attached three charts. The first is the wide view of session 8/4 (AutoB, AHI 18), the second is a close up of a section of that. The third is a close up from the previous day, which had a lot of CA (BiLevel, AHI 30).
Thanks very much.