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Hey all - go easy on me..first time user of Apap and Oscar.
Thoughts on the data from my first night? I tried to take a nap around 4 o'clock to warm up to using the machine and wasn't successful as I couldn't fall asleep. So at night I went to bed at 11 and tossed and turned to about 4 am which is when I fell asleep for 2 hours. Woke up at 6 and tossed and turned again for an hour and then slept 7 to 9. So total sleep time is 4 to 6 and then 6 to 9
Needless to say quite a crappy night - had a really really hard time exhaling against the pressure and I know that a few times while half asleep I just gave up exhaling because I couldn't and that didn't feel very well...gave me body twitches everywhere and light headless along with a slow heart rate (mid 40s).
Curious to your guys thoughts on how the data looks?
(05-02-2020, 11:56 AM)Gary. Wrote: Hey all - go easy on me..first time user of Apap and Oscar.
Thoughts on the data from my first night? I tried to take a nap around 4 o'clock to warm up to using the machine and wasn't successful as I couldn't fall asleep. So at night I went to bed at 11 and tossed and turned to about 4 am which is when I fell asleep for 2 hours. Woke up at 6 and tossed and turned again for an hour and then slept 7 to 9. So total sleep time is 4 to 6 and then 6 to 9
Needless to say quite a crappy night - had a really really hard time exhaling against the pressure and I know that a few times while half asleep I just gave up exhaling because I couldn't and that didn't feel very well...gave me body twitches everywhere and light headless along with a slow heart rate (mid 40s).
Curious to your guys thoughts on how the data looks?
I've been playing around w/Oscar gotten a bit better at it.
Here are 2 updated screenshots and a 2-3 minute zoom into some of the Clear Airway events.
Curious to the experienced folks thoughts on this?
Machine: ResMed Airsense 10 Autoset Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: ResMed F30 Humidifier: Built in CPAP Pressure: 10-14 CPAP Software: ResScan
Other Software
@Gary. Things area a little out of context. You seem to be missing key parts of your screenshots. Like the Event Flags graph and the left pane with all your settings and numbers
Please take a look at Organizing your Charts, the link is in my signature.