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Two Zeros in a row!
Two Zeros in a row!
This is a first for me!

I'm not a stranger to zeros, I've had a few before. But this is the first time I've had 2 nights in a row with AHIs of 0!

Since 8/16/15, I've had 3 zeros. I'm thinking I hit upon the right pressures for me!

It almost makes me not want to switch to my new machine, I really have my therapy dialed in right now.
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RE: Two Zeros in a row!
Keep up the good works
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RE: Two Zeros in a row!
Hi nelamvr6,
CONGRATULATIONS! on your zeros 2 nights in a row.
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RE: Two Zeros in a row!
(10-30-2015, 09:17 PM)nelamvr6 Wrote: This is a first for me!

I'm not a stranger to zeros, I've had a few before. But this is the first time I've had 2 nights in a row with AHIs of 0!

I'll see your two and raise you one. But then last night it was 0.6.

Frankly I think anything below 1 is just random noise.

Ed Seedhouse

Part cow since February 2018.

Trust your mind less and your brain more.

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RE: Two Zeros in a row!
I've just had 1 hour nap with AHI shows zero and leak 0.0 L/m
But I suppose, it'll all change by tomorrow morning
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RE: Two Zeros in a row!


Using FlashAir W-03 SD card in machine. You can download your data through wifi with FlashPAP or Sleep Master utilities.

I wanted to learn Binary so I enrolled in Binary 101. I seemed to have missed the first four courses. Big Grinnie

Stick it to the man, Download OSCAR and take back control of your data!

Thanks Ian. Like I didn't have enough Honey-Do projects to tackle. Mornincoffee
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RE: Two Zeros in a row!
Thanks guys!
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RE: Two Zeros in a row!
3 Zeros in a row here... Tues, Wed, Thurs. The thing is, I was up to go to the BR about 4 times each night, so I don't think I got into really deep sleep. Last night I was at .02, but was up only twice. I also feel better this morning than I did during the week. For me, I think low numbers + quality of sleep is more important than reaching a zero on the stats. YMMV...
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RE: Two Zeros in a row!
While I too can attain the occasional zero I agree with the sentiment about sleep quality being more important. I am now sleeping through the night on most nights rather than getting fractured and interrupted sleep. For me, this means feeling great during the day. So, since I've been told that AHI less than 5 is great I strive for length of uninterrupted sleep as the hallmark of my therapy. I will take the zeros as they come but most of the time I'm less than 1 and as someone else said less than one is mainly noise. Congrats to all members of the zero club. Happy pappin!

Happy Pappin'
Never Give In, Never Give Up

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RE: Two Zeros in a row!
(10-31-2015, 12:19 PM)sonicboom Wrote: While I too can attain the occasional zero I agree with the sentiment about sleep quality being more important. I am now sleeping through the night on most nights rather than getting fractured and interrupted sleep. For me, this means feeling great during the day. So, since I've been told that AHI less than 5 is great I strive for length of uninterrupted sleep as the hallmark of my therapy. I will take the zeros as they come but most of the time I'm less than 1 and as someone else said less than one is mainly noise. Congrats to all members of the zero club. Happy pappin!

I agree. My current obstacle is getting up each night to pee three times or more. Started on a new drug for this and we'll see if it works.
Ed Seedhouse

Part cow since February 2018.

Trust your mind less and your brain more.

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