(10-26-2019, 12:55 PM)tarah Wrote: How exactly are you counting unflagged events? I cant tell from the flow rate graphs what it is a respiratory arousal event?
Hi, tarah
I am far from notebook till tomorrow night, to Go further on this.
Yes, you can maybe most of the time, looking at first on arousals/awakenings spotted on FR TV RR. Then, pay attention what antecede them; in general, unflagged rera are anteceded, closely, by some inspiration (one, two, ....are enough to awakening you; remember: we are UARS people!) not typically plateaued-type (please see some examples of not-rounded tops on Dr. Guilleminaut's and others' paper in the picture pdf i attached i posted above). Moreover, even in the absence of such alternative tops, all unflagged rera are anteceded by decreasing TV parallel to increasing RR.
... forgot: you may also find some examples of my own in my only thread here, i think, as well as in the link i posted above, to another user. This Will end up Very straitforeward as you practice!
...and, for the nose, of course, I would be pretty much sure you have already experienced the SALINE SOLUTION?, that is, 150 ml of mildly warmed water + 1.0 coffee spoon sodium chloride + ½ coffee spoon sodium bicarbonate, and pumping or an inclined to horizontal head, one time one side, two times the other; doubling the receipt if you need. I learn with my doctor, an it also mentioned on both books: Dr. Steven Park’s and Dr. Barry Krakow’s. I used very rarely when I need, during cold, or I feel minor blockage. Results are amazing.
Good luck.
---I am attaching herein, three very subtle unflagged RERA's from this night mine, so that may help you to identify yours. All my 9 RERA's from this night were unflagged ones, so important that one of them led me to my one time wake up at night, and the other one led me to defintive wake up in the morning (hate it this; but there were other issues also). You might see all of them have response in all four curves: RR, FR, TV, and leaking (due to imediate move).
good luck
Thanks for your help!
This is the kind of subtle things that I'm not sure whether to mark or not. I have them ALL the time. I haven't counted them over the whole night but every 15-20 min at least.
That looks fantastic. Please don't let anyone try to persuade you that there is anything further that should be done with therapy to smooth out a few bumps in the respiration flow. There are a few scattered flow limited breaths, but your results are far better than normal, and you should only make further changes based on your personal judgement of comfort.
(10-28-2019, 11:04 AM)Sleeprider Wrote: That looks fantastic. Please don't let anyone try to persuade you that there is anything further that should be done with therapy to smooth out a few bumps in the respiration flow. There are a few scattered flow limited breaths, but your results are far better than normal, and you should only make further changes based on your personal judgement of comfort.
Yes, and also give yourself time.
I can't tell, because you didn't post an overview of the night: did you wake up often?
For me, that's a key "how I feel" variable.
I feel like I was awake constantly throughout the night. Awake, asleep, awake, asleep. So I feel tired this morning.
Here's a snapshot of the whole night. If I'm being honest, I also feel scared that perhaps I have PLMD because my mom and I took a look her data and WOW, she definitely has it.
The first one is MINE.
The second one is MY MOM, who has severe sleep apnea, RLS, and PLMD (but her doctor never told her)
your Mom's flow rate looks just like mine: periodic limb movement. have you scrolled through yours to find a similar pattern? as you know, plm can severely fragment sleep. last night, for example, even with ripinirol (Rx) I had 8 mask off's and maybe a dozen awakenings that I masked through. nothing to be scared of. apnea is way worse. no harm I've heard of besides the arousals. with some trial and error, plm should be treatable with meds.
Do you think that mask leaks are possibly causing me to wake up?? Or possibly when I am opening my mouth and it's showing up as a "leak" and flow rate changes?
Perusing charts today looking for stuff and noticing that on the nights when I slept well, I have almost no leaks present. On the nights (like last night) where I felt like I was awake/asleep constantly, there are leaks being reported regularly.
The first three pictures of from last night, constant waking.
The last picture is from saturday night, when I felt like I slept pretty well.