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Under 1 AHI (great!) but what’s with the constant spikes on my breathing chart graph?
Still struggling to sleep more than 6 hours with this almost 2 months in now. Still feeling tired most days, which I am attributing at least some of to the fact that I haven’t gotten more than 6.5 hours of sleep in 8 weeks… though I will admit that it has been a bit easier for me to get up and going in the mornings than before when I was having 59 events per hour untreated.
I’ve been playing around with my settings since getting my machine which was originally set at the stock 5-20, ramp on auto, and EPR 1 which was not working for me. Have since raised the pressure to 6-15, then 7-14 and then after I noticed my high pressure swings were rarely going above 11 I finally set it to 9-11, ramp off, EPR 3. But I still have not been getting enough successful sleep with it and notice those big spikes in my breathing every night.
I’m just looking for some feedback on whether or not this looks normal? If there is a normal.
RE: Under 1 AHI (great!) but what’s with the constant spikes on my breathing chart graph?
Any chance you could post your chart using OSCAR? The instructions for downloading and formatting the charts are in my signature.
It is difficult to tell from the chart you posted, but those look to be arousal breaths. May be due to the flow limitations, but without seeing the formatted OSCAR chart is is difficult to tell. If it is from flow limitations you need to deal with them using EPR, flatter pillow, nasal spray or rinse, possibly a different mask.
08-25-2024, 10:01 AM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2024, 10:02 AM by JustG.
Edit Reason: Spelling
RE: Under 1 AHI (great!) but what’s with the constant spikes on my breathing chart graph?
Absolutely I will post my OSCAR charts and data when I get home and am able. I mainly use and look at Sleep HQ when I’m on the go and not able to readily access my computer, but it’s still far more useful than the Myair app lol
Thanks for being willing to take a second look!
I already have EPR set to 3. Like many my machine was given to me set at 5-20, ramp on, EPR 1 with no further instruction so I know this is already better. Flow limitations were more consistent, not necessarily higher all the time, but more consistent when I had EPR set to 1 and 2.
It’s only been 8 weeks so I’m only just trying my second mask now. Switched from the P10 to the Dreamwear with pillows and have seen a little reduction in both flow limitations and leaks, so that’s good. Not sure where to go from there if I need to try another. I don’t believe I breathe through my mouth much at all while sleeping, but I suppose I could be wrong.
08-25-2024, 02:03 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2024, 02:04 PM by Deborah K..)
RE: Under 1 AHI (great!) but what’s with the constant spikes on my breathing chart graph?
I suggest you change your pressure range to 10-13. The pressure changes are normal, as no one breathes the same all through the night. Do the changes wake you up? If not ignore them. If they do, we could set a static pressure, but try the new range first and see how you sleep.