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Please help me understand my breathing. I'm making some progress after ~3 months, but it still feels like this should be easier. Sleeping on my stomach has been a real challenge, but last night I was actually able to fall asleep on my side and back. Can you please help me understand the following:
Chart 1 - Full Screen: How does this look generally? I believe I read for 30 mins and then fell asleep within about 5 mins. Do the pressure changes look normal and appear to be working as intended?
Chart 2 - False Events: Was the activity in the last third of this chart not real events? Not even hypopneas?
Chart 3 - Waveforms: In The Guide, my waveforms indicate Class 6: marked tracheal traction support during lung inflation. Do you agree and is this something that needs addressing? If so, how do I go about that?
maybe just to see if the central apneas will decrease. maybe lower the epr to 1, to see what happens, then try the fixed pressure with an epr to 2?(is youre epr=ac?)