Unexpected side effect: Arm Asleep.
I've run into an unexpected side-effect of my CPAP treatment. I'm waking up in the night with my arm "asleep". In my half-awake state, it seems to be the arm I'm NOT sleeping on, or it could be that I've just rolled off the arm and that's when it starts tingling and wakes me up.
My guess is that I'm not moving as much in the night and this leads to the blood flow restriction to my arm.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I was thinking about getting a SP02 monitor to further check my therapy, but if I'm not getting regular blood flow to my hand I'm worried that the data would be useless.
RE: Unexpected side effect: Arm Asleep.
I am quite sure that I do not move around as much with CPAP. I have repositioned my hands and almost never wake up with my hand or arm asleep. I did wake up with my hand asleep before however.
RE: Unexpected side effect: Arm Asleep.
yes, happens to me each night with my right arm. i have arranged the pillows so i have a “valley” to flop my arm into that “fixes” the situation.
RE: Unexpected side effect: Arm Asleep.
If you have repeated episodes of an arm or hand falling asleep make sure you route out the problem and correct it, otherwise you might end up with a more chronically pinched/damaged nerve that you will have to rehabilitate. One common problem is sleeping with your elbow tightly bent and pinching the ulnar nerve. This is common because people do it in addition to bending their elbow deeply during the day as they use their phone for extended periods. If you see this as a problem and aren't sure how to stop it you can get an inexpensive cuff, stiff but soft, to wear on your elbow to "remind" it not to over-bend.
IMHO this is a nerve issue, not a circulation problem. Your oximeter should provide valid data.
if you can't decide then you don't have enough data.