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So last night I wore my pulseox sleep monitor from Wellue. Here is the result - Oscar showing CAs all over place - almost no OAs. 165 CA Events. Only 7 OA events. Even on my sleep study my OA was considered "Mild" - only reason I did the CPAP to begin with was to ensure my heart was not getting stressed and stop the snoring.
Anyhow - as you can see from the WellUe screenshots - the O2 rates don't drop below 90 and the 95th percentile is 91% with 3 drops per hour. If there were so many - in this case, if these CAs were truly Central Apneas, and when I look at them it appears it is saying I am holding my breath for anywhere from 11-30+ seconds at a time hundreds of times a night, wouldn't it show on the O2 side?
So at 3 drops per hour per the O2 rate, that leaves me with a possibly 2 drop per hour of true "CA" - correct?
I.e. - Oscar - if I take the 7 drops total OA divide by sleep hours I get roughly 1 drop per hour of OA.
Then to determine "true" Central Apneas, I would take the WellUe data and say 3.1 drops per hour Total apneas minus the 1 drop of OA from Oscar = 2 drops per hour from Central Apnea that are uncorrected.
If my hypothesis makes sense, the questions are - 1 - is the pressure wrong - could that help? 2 - I do feel weird when I use higher pressures - like my ears are stuffy and plugged and I am dizzy a bit with no splitting headache - 3 - do I go down the path of pushing for a BiPap or ASV which would take care it in theory?