to be honest what troubled me most was you 'saying' (I'm exaggerating here - so please don't take this as an offense):
"the events and therefore the AHI is right ... I don't care for the leakrate as this value has an error"
sth like that I really can't take ... either all is crap or all has (to some degree) quality ... but picking out sth and saying "that's true" and everything else is "just measurement error and therefore of no concern" makes no sense at all! (at least to me)
I would change the mask-setting to pillows first and than take a look.
just from that "data" you seem to have a RERA or Hypopnea "problem" ... raising the pressure will most likely work (basically you than have the same as CPAP ... and if really further obstructions arise there is room for the machine)
(I do not beleive your centrals are a problem ... most likely (can't say that without looking at the detailed data) you simply reduced your breath after the hypopnea/RERA recovery breaths ... most likely there was still "microflow" (around or below 25% of normal flow) ... if they don't vanish if the hypopneas are gone you can still care about them^^)
but in the end your machine now indicates a lot of "clear airway"-like hypopneas (as the machine didn't raise the pressure because it detected no flowlimitation) - you obviously didn't have that before - centrals do not vanish if you raise the pressure - obstructive ones do ... all there is to take away is "the data is crap! - fix that"
(sorry ... but there is really no way I can talk sense into that data and with what you said you had with CPAP 11 ... it simply makes no sense at all - at least to me ... maybe someone else really can make sense out of that)
But I'm not convinced from that data that you really have more hypopneas ... they might be 'just' RERAs (if so - I would advise to try out the autoset for her modus as it responds to RERAs (the most) and creates a more "evenly" pressure)
.. but I'm not the right address to ask for changes in settings - I can understand the raw-data (to some degree) at a low-level-scope ... nothing more^^ ... ask me if you want to know if you should put trust in certain events ... bigger picture or treatment is not really my domain.
(I have an AHI below 1 with my settings and if I take the time and look on my data and my AHI is even slightly above 1, I have a very close eye-to-eye discussion with my machine about each hypopnea and apnea about whose fault that was^^ (really! - last time that happened 'we' came to the conclusion that I simply forgot to change the HEPA-filters (the very fine-filters)
- (after over half an hour o.O ... my machine was really insisting it did nothing wrong)^^)