What is "Sleep" Time in Sleepyhead?
Sorry to ask but I can't find it searching..
I just watched a video and in the video the sleep with was 22.**
My sleep times are 2.5 to 3.5 is this the time I am suppose to be in REM?
I'm asking about
DETAILS on left side panel..
Date - SLEEP - Wake - Hours
What does this represent?
Thanks Much..
RE: What is "Sleep" Time in Sleepyhead?
The "Sleep" number is the time that you started using your CPAP for that date. The "Wake" is the time that you turned off the CPAP prior to downloading the data. The "Hours" is the total time that the CPAP was operating during this time span.
An example would be:
- You went to bed and started your CPAP at 23:00 (11:00PM)
- At 2:00 AM you woke up and turned it off and stayed up for 2 hours.
- Then at 4:00AM you went back to bed and turned your CPAP back on.
- You then slept until 8:00AM, when you turned it off for the day.
The "Sleep" time would be 23:00, the "Wake" time would display 08:00, and the Hours would be 7:00 (23:00-08:00 = 9 - 2 hours awake)
I hope this may help.
RE: What is "Sleep" Time in Sleepyhead?
Thank You Very Much..