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What's the best home sleep test currently on the market?
What's the best home sleep test currently on the market?
Hi gang, I'd like to get another HSAT to confirm diagnosis. One that scores RERA's in particular.

What's the best test currently available? Thanks!
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RE: What's the best home sleep test currently on the market?
Following, as I am scheduled to do a home study next month to check in on my post-op sleep status. I expressed concern to my doc about a "standard" home study, which I told him I was very likely to "pass" because my initial study was an in-lab PSG that showed almost no desaturations at all, just arousals. He said that even though PSG is clinically indicated, it's easier to just waste our time with a home study that is likely to come back inconclusive so insurance will cover the proper one.

So, even though we have a plan to get what we need here in clown world, I would also love to know if there is a good home study that will properly evaluate sleep stage and respiratory effort to avoid wasting time and effort.
Look, I'm an engineer, not a doctor! Please don't take my opinion as a substitute for medical advice.
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RE: What's the best home sleep test currently on the market?
I personally had the Lofta home sleep study.  It had some errors in it.  IMO, it was good enough though.  What is good enough?  I will try to explain.  It did show RERA's, and sleep stages and AHI, sleep position, SPO2, Pulse rate, and more.  How accurate was it?  I don't know.  It showed me at a 43 AHI.  My polysomnography showed me at 32 AHI.  Lofta said Severe obstructive apnea and mild central sleep apnea.  My PSG showed severe OSA and Severe central sleep apnea (actually twice as many central apneas as obstructive apneas on my PSG).  I trust the PSG more here.  

It was around $175 or so if I remember correctly.  My plan was simply to take this test; and if I failed it miserably (which I did), I was going to take it to my PCP.  My PCP liked it and gave it to my insurance.  I ended up getting a Polysomnography.  

Lofta also provides a prescription for a pap machine from a Sleep Specialist.  Be aware that Lofta is a DME.  They ("subtly") tried to get me to purchase one of their machines after the home sleep study, but I saw right through it.  *If a person was convinced that this home sleep study was accurate for them and agreed with the price Lofta charged for a machine, then not a problem doing everything through them IMO.  I am not knocking them as a DME, but just giving a heads up (I found the same machines Lofta was selling for less by doing some searching).  I had script in hand, so I didn't have to buy from them if I didn't want to do so).   And actually, more importantly, my PSG showed far more central apnea involvement; so the machine I would have purchased from them would have been the wrong one.  A plain Jane vanilla home sleep study might work with regular cpap machines, but the worse the AHI, and the more central apneas, and more complex apneas, etc., the more advanced machines are usually needed.  Lofta home study had me at about 50% Cheyne - Stokes respirations.  My PSG never mentioned any CSR.  How accurate was the Lofta home sleep study?  

Just my experience I am sharing here, Lucky7 (and Pete) to give you food for thought so you can make the best possible decision for yourself regarding your therapy in the future.  I have some Lofta home sleep study pages uploaded in my thread, "Cannot fall asleep with bipap/home ventilator.  Hypoglossal nerve stimulator?" if you want to look at them for reference and get a feel for this particular test.
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RE: What's the best home sleep test currently on the market?
Thanks, I appreciate it.
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RE: What's the best home sleep test currently on the market?

I can't say what is the best home sleep test, but this list might give you more insight.

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RE: What's the best home sleep test currently on the market?
Not sure if it's the best, but it's the least expensive I've found and it successfully diagnosed my sleep apnea: https://www.thedaybreak.com/products/sleep-test

Right now website says $129, but I got mine for $89--I think they do a lot of specials and email offers. 

They do try to sell you on an oral device, but give prescriptions for CPAP as well. I'm still deciding which way to go, but leaning toward their MAD device. Anyone have experience they could share, specifically on Daybreak appliance??
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