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I'm new to this forum, but I've been struggling with sleep apnea for a few years, and as of this year, I've started feeling a lot worse even with the cpap machine.
I'm waiting on my study results but since healthcare is slow and my PCP is forcing me to wait a month to attend a medical appointment for these results instead of giving me the results now (they're ready now).
09-16-2022, 03:39 PM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2022, 03:43 PM by mesenteria.)
RE: What settings should I change?
I can't discern anything that would even be worth fiddling with. Your report, albeit a single night's worth, says you're probably near the 96%ile in terms of quality of therapy. However, my eye isn't nearly as practiced or experienced as some others who will look and offer their own considered opinions.
One or two suggestions, though. Your feelings might be related to the quality of your sleep. If so, you might wish to avail yourself of an SPO2 monitor to see if you somehow get below 88 for any length of time. Also, many smart watches and their phone apps will parse the night's readings from the watch and give you a graphic representation of how deeply you slept at times and when you were in REM. Those are both important, and if you are being short-changed we need to consider stress, duration of sleep, and other problems such as anxiety, weight, other disorders and comorbidities, even any medications or non-prescription supplements you may be using in the past two or three months.