Whistling Airsense 10 - Not the humidifier
So, I'm finally in a position to really get started on my therapy, a mask that seems like it might work well, settings that look good, but now my machine has started whistling! It sounds
like this. It's brand new (never used before me, I got it just over a week ago), but also second hand (I got it from someone who hadn't used it) so I don't think I can return it under warranty? So I'm trying to figure the problem out myself.
So far I have tried:
- Checking the seal on the humidifier. Via elastic band, and via plugging one of the holes and blowing into the other. The former didn't solve the whistle, the latter showed no issues.
- Swapping the humidifier for the original side panel.
- Reseating the Climateline hose.
- Examining the hose socket/entry for any obvious issues.
- Swapping the Climateline hose for some new Slimline tubing.
- Changing the filter.
It still whistles, and the whistle is clearly coming from the machine (confirmed by my partner who can more easily move around between mask and machine to check).
Are there any other obvious ideas I'm missing that I could try? I'm willing to buy replacement parts if necessary, but as the machine is new I'd really like to be sure something is the issue before I fork out, as I'm still paying off the machine itself.
Thanks so much.
RE: Whistling Airsense 10 - Not the humidifier
Check the Resmed Airsense 10 Air Outlet Adapter. It is about a $10 part and is the attachment point for the tube and seals with a silicone seal inside the machine to the side-cover or humidifier chamber. Be sure it is fully seated, try reseating, try replacing.
RE: Whistling Airsense 10 - Not the humidifier
Thank you so much! Luckily reseating it just by unclipping it and trying to pull it out, then putting it back in place, seems to have worked. I was really worried, I couldn't get it out of the device, and they don't sell the part in the UK (I even phoned Resmed, they can't sell it) so I'd have to try importing it from the US or something.
My first night of sleep on CPAP, achieved! Many thanks!
RE: Whistling Airsense 10 - Not the humidifier
I thought reseating would be sufficient. It fits over a retaining pin and can sometimes be displaced. Glad your repair worked.