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Would ASV help ?
RE: Would ASV help ?
(11-19-2023, 08:08 AM)Sleeprider Wrote: If it helps my TiMax is set at 3.0. My median tidal volume is generally over 600 mL and i have minute vent about 10 L.  I rarely if ever use the maximum inspiration time, but it's there if needed so a longer, deeper breath does not go unsupported.  Without the longer TiMax, the machine will sometimes cycle before inspiration ends.  I don't need or want that.  The only reason to shorten TiMax is if a user needs to preserve a longer expiration time.  It's an important control for individuals with COPD or other "noncompliant" lung issues, but not for me or Gainerfull.  YMMV
Ok that helps alot. I. Also around 580 tidal volume and minute vent about 10.0, I'm 6'5" 235lbs, so setting this tMax to 3.0 probably makes sense for me. No COPD or lung issues. 

I do feel once in a while my inhalation feels like it gets cut off, this Tmax would solve this as it sounds from your explanation.
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RE: Would ASV help ?
(11-19-2023, 08:08 AM)Sleeprider Wrote: If it helps my TiMax is set at 3.0. My median tidal volume is generally over 600 mL and i have minute vent about 10 L.  I rarely if ever use the maximum inspiration time, but it's there if needed so a longer, deeper breath does not go unsupported.  Without the longer TiMax, the machine will sometimes cycle before inspiration ends.  I don't need or want that.  The only reason to shorten TiMax is if a user needs to preserve a longer expiration time.  It's an important control for individuals with COPD or other "noncompliant" lung issues, but not for me or Gainerfull.  YMMV
Ok that helps alot. I. Also around 580 tidal volume and minute vent about 10.0, I'm 6'5" 235lbs, so setting this tMax to 3.0 probably makes sense for me. No COPD or lung issues. 

I do feel once in a while my inhalation feels like it gets cut off, this Tmax would solve this as it sounds from your explanation.
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