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Tips for a quality night's sleep
Tips for a quality night's sleep
[parts of this thread were copied from our old forum]


Whether you have OSA or not, maintaining healthy sleep habits can help you wake up feeling refreshed and ready for another day.
Go to bed the same time every day:
Your body has a natural clock and becomes used to rhythms and routines. Turn your device on and the lights off as soon as you get into bed.
Get up at the same time each morning:
Maintain the routine and rhythm you have established, even at weekends or after a poor night's sleep.
Understand your sleep requirements:
Most people need at least six hours of sleep for normal memory and cognitive function. Make sure you use your device all night, every night.
exercise REGULARLY:
Exercise is great, but make sure you finish your workout at least two hours before bed-time.
Spend some time in natural light:
This helps promote melatonin production in your body. Melatonin is a hormone that allows you to know when to sleep and how much sleep you need.
Create a comfortable sleeping environment:
Make sure your bedroom is cool, quiet and dark. ResMed's S9 therapy devices with Climate Control provide humidification at your most comfortable temperature setting. Avoid distracting noises and light. If you don't have a comfortable bed, bed clothes or pillow, consider changing them.
Use your bed only for sleep (and sex!):
Avoid watching television, studying, eating or working in bed. Your brain should associate your bed with sleeping.
Feel relaxed and warm before bed:
A warm bath may help you unwind.
Leave your mask on:
Rather than take the mask off if you need to get up during the night, just detach the tubing from the mask. When you get back to bed, it’s easier to reattach the tubing than to refit the mask.

Consume caffeine in the evening:
Avoid tea, coffee, soft drinks and chocolate. Warm milk may help you sleep.
Drink alcohol before bed:
Alcohol worsens snoring and sleep apnea; it causes fragmented sleep and wakes you up too early. You will also need to use the toilet more often.
Exercise just before bed:
Exercise stimulates the body and makes it difficult to fall asleep.
Eat a heavy, spicy or sugary meal before bed or go to bed hungry:
If you're hungry, a light snack might help you sleep.
Nicotine is a stimulant that makes falling asleep more difficult. There are many benefits to quitting smoking.
Nap during the day:
A day-time nap may reduce your body's need to sleep at night.
Engage in stimulating activity before bed:
Avoid watching exciting programs, playing competitive games, paying bills or holding important discussions ... anything that keeps your brain wide awake!

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