What I’ve done: I got started on ASV therapy, been using it for over a month now. According to the data, it’s working well. Very few apnea events. Been struggling to find a mask that’s comfortable, but I think I’ve figured it out now.
The Results: I’ve noticed I don’t have to sleep 10+ hours on my days off, and it’s easier for me to wake up early, but I still feel tired all the time and miserable. I grind my teeth in my sleep and have night guards for that that but it doesn’t stop the grinding so I wake up groggy with headaches every day. Just got Botox in my facial muscles to help with that, hopefully.
My Problem: I’m just wondering… when am I supposed to feel better? It seems like people with only OSA have amazing and fast results from CPAP, but I’m still tired after using ASV for a month. Does CSA just take longer to see the benefits of using a breathing machine at night? Is it just bc it’s winter and the gloom outside is making me tired? Will I just always feel tired for the rest of my life?