(AHI in teens, sleep patchy).
Initially my machine was set at pressure 10 (CPAP), EPR 1,. I tried this for about a week but found my AHI events were still in the teens (sleep studies (2) said I had AHI 20 ( some centrals)).
Then (after playing around with the machine) I found the clinician's menu...
so I adjusted the settings:
Autoset for her
pressure: 10 - 20 (varied over the next few weeks)
EPR: 2
Over this time I noticed the results still weren't that great and I still had disrupted sleep (if I slept at all). I noticed the Sleepyhead program showed the best and worst setting for the period so I changed the machine setting to match the best.
(p 10-20, epr1....) But the AHI was 20!
Not sure what to do now - Tried slow release Melatonin (from GP) but this didn't help much.....
Any suggestions on getting use to the treatment and finding optimum settings?? (I see specialist on 4th Nov)