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newly diagnosed, need some help reading OSCAR report
hey there! im new here. i got diagnosed about two weeks ago (the day after my 29th birthday) and started using my CPAP machine about 11 days ago.
some info: AHI 13.5, using airsense 11, mask is resmed N20 nasal mask.
12/10 was my first night using an SD card so that i can start looking at my stats via OSCAR. i just want to make sure my reading looks okay and what needs improvement. this is all super new to me and i'm still pretty tired physically and mentally so i'm having trouble figuring this out on my own.
also for some reason it has no data from 12/11 available even though im pretty sure my SD card was unlocked. it doesnt even show the basic data that my machine kept track of alone like it has for the rest of my time using it, there's nothing there for that day at all. so im unsure what happened there.
RE: newly diagnosed, need some help reading OSCAR report
Things look grand. Getting your AHI from the tested 13.5 to 0.12 is excellent. Well done!
Your tiredness is likely due to being new to this therapy. I expect it is mostly from the arousals that show in your flow rate, but they will possibly abate over time.
The only thing I would consider changing at the moment is increasing your min from 6 to 7 to help with the arousals. You can always try it a night or two, then revert if you don’t like it. Or just leave things as they are and see how it goes.
Your therapy, your choice. We are your Sherpa’s in this journey.
12-13-2023, 08:12 AM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2023, 08:14 AM by mushroom.)
RE: newly diagnosed, need some help reading OSCAR report
tysm for your response! i appreciate you reaching out.
i posted my report in another forum and they also mentioned that i have a lot of arousals, and that my flow rate indicates mouth opening so those are definitely some things i need to work on.
do you have any advice as to what might be going on with my SD card? it's still not showing any data past the 10th and i'm not sure what to do. i've been making sure my SD card is unlocked while in my CPAP.