RE: periodic leg movement
Woke up well rested today. After taking my holistic remedy for several days.
I can't remember sleeping for 8-1/2 hours and feeling so rested. In all of my 30 + years of compliance for OSA
My Restless Leg Syndrome was diagnosed at my very first sleep test, way-back-when. it's never been treated.
Boiron Zinc.met. 30 CH
(I'm not going to post here anymore. If anyone wants information please PM me. After all my RLS has never been treated by sleep docs. I can't tell if I move my legs when asleep So this is a crazy experiment. If doing it makes me feel more rested for me it's a success.)
I don't know how to see if I have RLS. All I know is that it was diagnosed way-back and confirmed by another sleep doc when I had my last sleep test.
RE: periodic leg movement
Dave, please do post back here after some more time under your belt, like 30, 60 or 90 days. if you're still sleeping longer and feeling well rested, I'm going to see about trying it myself. I'd give a lot to get just 3 or 4 uninterrupted hours of sleep a night. 8 would be incredible!
I've posted a bunch of screenshots of my plm breathing pattern, the last one in this thread at post #89. you can scroll through your own flow rate at a 10 minute view scale looking for something similar.
RE: periodic leg movement
Thanks so much.
I didn't know you could see leg movement in the breathing pattern.
(I may be misinterpreting it)
RE: periodic leg movement
you can. it's inferred from a unique pattern in the flow rate waveform reflecting one's respiratory response to the movements.
RE: periodic leg movement
Here's a 10 minute segment....does this show Restless Leg Syndrome?
RE: periodic leg movement
there's a very very small chance it is, very subtle and mild, about 40-60 seconds apart. but I don't think so. I see some flow limitations leading to recovery breathing in cycles. it's very common and harmless afaik. have you tried epr 3 to reduce flow limitations & maybe even out that flow rate?
RE: periodic leg movement
Thanks sheepless! I started with EPR at 3, and recommendations were to reduce it.
RE: periodic leg movement
I believe I see a pattern in last nights screenshot. I don't think it's significant.
However I *think* that at 23:04, 23:05, 23:06 I see a very poor copy of your trace in your post 16.
I'm a very active sleeper. Tossing and turning.
RE: periodic leg movement
I see what you mean. it could be very very subtle but it doesn't jump out and shout plm to me.
have you ever caught yourself exhaling through your lips like pffft, pffft, pffft...? there appears to be an association with leaks.
this cyclical pattern is pretty common and commonly associated with recovery breathing following flow limitations, events and arousals.
I don't know if plm presents differently in different people so I can't say that's not plm but we need some corroborating evidence (psg, audio, video, a witness) to confirm it.
besides, maybe your new supplement has taken rls/plm out of the equation! if you're really curious, try looking through some older oscar/sleepyhead records.
RE: periodic leg movement
That's very positive for me sheepless.
Here's to finding sleep quality and feeling better.