RE: SW for Respironics BiPap Auto M-Series ?
SuperSleeper is giving good advice here. I used EncorePro 2 until SleepyHead became available for my DreamStation. EncorePro is very cumbersome and slow to respond. Unlike SleepyHead you have to go through multiple pages to view a single chart. You also have to load your data from your sd card every day in order to get the detailed data every day. The detailed data is lost for any days not downloaded the same day.
SleepyHead, however, is intuitive and easy to use. It doesn't care how long you put off loading your data, it will pickup right back where you left off and show detailed data for everyday you used your machine.
RE: SW for Respironics BiPap Auto M-Series ?
(02-25-2017, 10:48 PM)pupcamper Wrote: SuperSleeper is giving good advice here. I used EncorePro 2 until SleepyHead became available for my DreamStation. EncorePro is very cumbersome and slow to respond. Unlike SleepyHead you have to go through multiple pages to view a single chart. You also have to load your data from your sd card every day in order to get the detailed data every day. The detailed data is lost for any days not downloaded the same day.
SleepyHead, however, is intuitive and easy to use. It doesn't care how long you put off loading your data, it will pickup right back where you left off and show detailed data for everyday you used your machine.
Thanks Pupcamper
I couldn't agree with you more...
Love SleepyHead and dislike EncorePro, but it's an older machine that I am temporarily using and it's not supported by Sleepyhead, so I am SOL...