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snoring has increased what is wrong?
snoring has increased what is wrong?
with sleep machine my mom has been snoring more this past 6 months & its loud. tried using chin strap still snoring. told dr said nothing he can do. pressure is suppose to be between 10 -22. i am sleep deprived each night adjusting full face chin strap and try to reposition mom on side but her hand moves mask leading to leak. i checked her there is a code i need to fi d out about. model respironics . Any suggestions. thanks for listening.....irenek2013
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RE: snoring has increased what is wrong?
Hi irenek2013,
Is your mom using a bipap machine? I ask because APAP's pressure only go up to 20 and you list
Here is a link that may help you identify your machine.

Now at first glance, I would have to say snoring is an indication that the minimum pressure is too low.
4 is just the default minimum pressure.
I will suggest that you download Sleepyhead software so you can track her progress.
Once you do that, we can take a look and advise.
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RE: snoring has increased what is wrong?

Hi irenek2013.

You are not using software. It will be good if you give it a try. Sleepyhead is customer friendly. My advice is to try any kind of software.
-I think that your mom mask is leaking to much, that makes high AHI + high snoring.
Try to avoid leaks in your mom mask.
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RE: snoring has increased what is wrong?
Hi irenek2013,
WELCOME! to the forum.!
The mask is the hardest part of this whole thing. Maybe your mom could get a different type of mask, I sure hope so, you might ask the doc about this.
Hang in there for more suggestions.
I wish you and your mom good luck with better sleep and also her CPAP therapy.
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RE: snoring has increased what is wrong?
When I had the reported problem of snoring inside my mask, the cause was found to be a too high mask leak rate, which offset the machine's attempt to control my apnea. Fixing the leak problem eliminated snoring. As OpalRose mentioned, another cause could be a pressure that's too low to control apneas. As she added, knowing which machine model and a sleepyhead report would really help to discover what is happening. If the machine is an auto model which adjusts the pressure to what's needed during the night (within set limits), it should be able to eliminate snoring. However, auto machines can also be set to operate in a fixed pressure mode. If that's the case, the set pressure could be too low.

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RE: snoring has increased what is wrong?
Min is too low. Raising it a bit will cut down snoring and usually result in a auto machine not going as high on the max side. Helping with leaks
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RE: snoring has increased what is wrong?
(08-15-2016, 12:07 AM)irenek2013 Wrote: with sleep machine my mom has been snoring more this past 6 months & its loud.


I'm off doing tons of research so I can understand and grapple with all the stuff going on in my own life...

That being said, through some of my reading I was directed to this document created in 2013... I'll put up what would be the abstract below the link.. maybe it will help you too... I'm still reading and digesting... there's a lot more to the article than what I put here.

It jumped out at me, your question of

(08-15-2016, 12:07 AM)irenek2013 Wrote: snoring has increased what is wrong?

likely can't be answered with pitching a dart at a balloon covered dart board... it appears there's a plethora of interdependent conditions that all need to be looked at from a complete and complex systematical perspective is likely required to answer your question of What is Wrong?

I'm certainly not trying to be insensitive or trying to boil the ocean with information, rather, having a glimpse of how some of these interrelated conditions create the "snoring" condition might help see clear a direction of attack...

and yes, for the record, I snore louder than a the turbines of a jet engine at take off! Bug-eyed

I always feel so sorry for folks that sit within say 2 seat isles on either side of me in an airplane as I always crash and keep everyone around me wide awake!

I hope the following link helps.


Sleep-Disordered Breathing
Puneet S. Garcha
Loutfi S. Aboussouan
Omar Minai

Published: January 2013

Humans spend almost 30% of their lives sleeping. Since the 1970s, physicians have begun to recognize many of the detrimental consequences of sleep disturbances produced by abnormal breathing patterns, or sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). Sleep apnea and other sleep-related breathing disorders constitute the greatest number of sleep disorders seen by sleep medicine, pulmonary, and general practitioners in the outpatient setting. SDB has been associated with considerable morbidity.

SDB comprises a wide spectrum of sleep-related breathing abnormalities; those related to increased upper airway resistance include snoring, upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS), and obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS).1 Many clinicians regard SDB as a spectrum of diseases.2 This concept suggests that a person who snores may be exhibiting the first manifestation of SDB and that snoring should not be viewed as normal. A patient can move gradually through the continuum, for example, with weight gain and eventual development of Pickwickian syndrome or with alcohol or sedative use, which can cause a person who snores to turn into a snorer with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This concept has support from experimental studies showing increasing airway collapsibility during sleep with progression from normal, snoring, UARS, and OSA. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) can effectively treat apnea, but the patient may be left with continued residual UARS or snoring.3 Therefore, the clinician must recognize that this disease entity represents a continuum and that patients can continue to suffer from symptoms caused by one aspect of SDB while being treated for another aspect.


Snoring is one of the most common aspects of SDB and has been described throughout history. In the past, snoring generally had been considered a social nuisance with no consequences for the snorer, only for the suffering bed partner. After sleep apnea syndrome was recognized, snoring began to be viewed as an important clinical symptom. Although it is by far the most common symptom of sleep apnea and is usually the main reason for a patient visit, patients by themselves are generally not disturbed by the snoring. Instead it is at the prompting of the bed partner, whose sleep is disrupted due to snoring that the patient sees a physician. Of course, not all patients who snore have sleep apnea.


Although the definition of snoring may differ depending on the “ear of the beholder,” it is defined by the Random House Dictionary of the English Language as “breathing during sleep with hoarse or harsh sounds as caused by the vibrating of the soft palate.”4 The International Classification of Sleep Disorders: Diagnostic and Coding Manual defines snoring (ICSD 786.09) as “respiratory sound generated in the upper airway during sleep that typically occurs during inspiration but may also occur in expiration, without episodes of apnea or hypoventilation.”


It is clearly recognized that snoring is common among the general population, but estimates of its prevalence vary widely among different populations. These differences are mainly due to subjective perception, depending on who is reporting the snoring (the snorer or the bed partner), how the question is asked by the clinician, night-to-night variability of snoring can also make the reporting difficult. Overall, snoring is reported to affect 19% to 37% of the general population and more than 50% of middle-aged men. Prevalence of snoring increases with age. Male predominance has been noted in numerous epidemiologic studies of snoring. Possible reasons for male predominance include differences in pharyngeal anatomy and function, hormonal differences and their effects on upper airway muscles, and differences in body fat distribution.


Snoring is a result of the changes in the configuration and properties of the upper airway (from the nasopharynx to the laryngopharynx) that occurs during sleep. Any membranous portion of the airway that lacks cartilaginous support, including the soft palate, uvula, and the pharyngeal walls, can produce this sound. Snoring is usually an inspiratory sound, but it can also occur in expiration.7 Snoring can occur during any stage of sleep but is more common during stages 2, 3, and 4. This is because airway elastance and muscle tone due to sympathetic activity and neural output to the upper airway walls are different during rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM sleep. Multiple predisposing factors can lead to a snoring abnormality, including age (middle or advanced), obesity, weight gain, body posture, use of alcohol and muscle relaxants, retrognathia, nasal blockage, development of asthma, and smoking.

Signs and Symptoms

A primary snorer is usually asymptomatic and does not suffer from cardiovascular disease. Snoring in this population is usually an annoyance to the bed partner, and the snorer might deny any symptoms of daytime somnolence or difficulty with concentration. In contrast, snoring also can occur in conjunction with a disordered sleep pattern and may be associated with a range of symptoms, including overt OSAHS.

Bed partners, family members, or friends who have shared a room with the sleeping patient initially might complain of loud or disruptive noises. Patients themselves sometimes complain of snoring, a feeling of tiredness on waking, excessive sleepiness during the day, poor work performance, and difficulty with concentration.
Warning: Eating chocolate may cause your clothes to shrink!
[Image: ry6XtE9.gif] <---- That's ME!
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RE: snoring has increased what is wrong?
thanks for info i will try to check out the software.
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RE: snoring has increased what is wrong?
We can't snore unless our mouth takes in air.  So your mother's chin strap is not doing the job. There's s type of chin strap that works much better for me than others I've tried.  Do a search for "Ruby chin strap".   I use a the Ruby and 3M paper tape.  The combination works great for me.  Best to you.
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RE: snoring has increased what is wrong?
I'm sure that is a real frustration. The fact is, we can't snore unless air is able to enter the mouth.  So your mother's chin strap is not doing the complete job. There's s type of chin strap that works much better for me than others I've tried.  Do a search for "Ruby chin strap".   I use a the Ruby and 3M paper tape.  The tape is essential for, because the CPAP pressure will push my lips open. The combination works great for me. 
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