RE: [split] FYSETC SD Wifi - Possible FlashAir Replacement
The code was written with Linux and OSX in mind because it looks for and strips out any CR (0x0D) characters.
03-21-2021, 07:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2021, 07:35 PM by happydreams.
Edit Reason: added the card is mounted.
RE: [split] FYSETC SD Wifi - Possible FlashAir Replacement
Sorry for this question, but, in normal use, does one ever have to change the position of the switch? Does it stay in CARDREADER mode "forever"?
I was trying to prototype use, (without using my CPAP) but my card reader is too smart apparently. I tried to plug the card reader into a charging only usb port on my usb hub. Unfortunately the FYSETC card isn't powered that way. The card reader housing has power, but not the FYSETC card. No flashing light, no comms, no ping. Can't plug the FYSETC in to my CPAP directly - still waiting for the SD card extension cable to show up.
What a frustrating experience. Now I can't attach to the dav. I can ping the ip address, but it insists it is Not a WebDAV enabled share. Right now it is in CARDREADER setting and plugged into the card reader. The card is mounted. Do I have to throw the switch? As one can clearly tell, I'm confused about the silly switch...
RE: [split] FYSETC SD Wifi - Possible FlashAir Replacement
(03-21-2021, 04:06 PM)Crimson Nape Wrote: .....
It sounds like you aren't connected via a USB connection. When it's connected it will act like a serial port.
Before connecting with the Arduino IDE, try connecting to the card using the USB port. Just make sure the switch is in the USB2UART position. You don't need a micro SD inserted to do this.
There is an unknown USB device indeed:
Don't know what driver is needed...
Arie KLERK: Member of the Dutch Apnea Association staff ( and proud to be the OSCAR Translations Team Coordinator.
***Please help us: We’re always looking for more translators and language editors***
Membership in the Advisory Members group does not imply medical expertise or qualification for advising Sleep Apnea patients, but just dedication to AB.
RE: [split] FYSETC SD Wifi - Possible FlashAir Replacement
Arie, in linux it reports as ch341-uart converter, it is a USB to serial converter. Hope that is a clue. Driver might be called CH341SER.EXE, or something like that, but please check, I'm no longer an active Windows user. I did find a driver by that name, but please get it from a trust-able source!
Once you get the driver installed, set up the serial parameters in putty and send the "M" commands.
RE: [split] FYSETC SD Wifi - Possible FlashAir Replacement
Arie - 2 things come to mind. Make sure you are using a fully wired USB cable. The second is, you might have conflicting drivers. I found the following that may help in this area.
At the bottom it discusses on how to address the conflict problem.
- Red
03-22-2021, 08:27 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-22-2021, 08:30 AM by A KLERK.)
RE: [split] FYSETC SD Wifi - Possible FlashAir Replacement
Tks, Red. I found a driver already and tried to flash. That gave an error:
So, I presume I have not flashed the card.
Then I connected by PUTTY, with success! I have set the SSID and PW, and was confirmed it is on
But from then I stalled:
- I set the slider to CARDREADER
- I pushed it into my AS10 (modified), it was recognized
- But not visible on my network, no ping...
Should I have saved the settings someway?
Arie KLERK: Member of the Dutch Apnea Association staff ( and proud to be the OSCAR Translations Team Coordinator.
***Please help us: We’re always looking for more translators and language editors***
Membership in the Advisory Members group does not imply medical expertise or qualification for advising Sleep Apnea patients, but just dedication to AB.
RE: [split] FYSETC SD Wifi - Possible FlashAir Replacement
The missing sdfat library was covered in step #6 in this post,
Since your DHCP server/router issued that address, unless you reserved that IP in your server, it could be assigning another IP when plugged into the CPAP. If the card is flashing while in the CPAP, I would look at DHCP leases in your router for its IP. Also, make sure that you placed the selector switch in the CARDREADER position.
You do realize that you are following the instructions of an idiot? (me!)
RE: [split] FYSETC SD Wifi - Possible FlashAir Replacement
Arie KLERK: Member of the Dutch Apnea Association staff ( and proud to be the OSCAR Translations Team Coordinator.
***Please help us: We’re always looking for more translators and language editors***
Membership in the Advisory Members group does not imply medical expertise or qualification for advising Sleep Apnea patients, but just dedication to AB.
RE: [split] FYSETC SD Wifi - Possible FlashAir Replacement
Here are some tidbits of information...
The "ip.gcode" file that it writes to the SD card lists the assigned IP with a M117 prefix. Wherever this code got hacked from, I'm guessing that M117 was the IP assignment command. M117 isn't anywhere in the code now. Also, the "ip.gcode" file is never read for any purpose. The only good thing about this file is if you are using the DHCP to acquire an address, you can see what IP was assigned.
RE: [split] FYSETC SD Wifi - Possible FlashAir Replacement
Code update:
I have modified the code to add or address the following:
- Allowed for the SETUP.INI file name to be opened and read if it happens to be in all lowercase.
- Added an "IP" assignment parameter to the SETUP.INI file. Now, there are 3 parameters in the SETUP.INI file.
- IP
Allowed for the use of the above parameters to work if they are declared in lowercase.
I did not provide for the setting of the gateway, DNS, and subnet mask parameters because this device operates in a local environment and has no need for the first two parameters. The subnet mask defaults to a "255,255,255,0" setting, making it one less thing for someone to screw-up.
Modified the "M" command parse, so it will recognize a lowercase "m" as being the same.
Renamed the "ip.gcode" file name to "ip_address.txt". It still does nothing.... but it is still good for "who am I?".
Changed the name, Marlin, to ESP8285 when it is outputting diagnostic info. (Marlin is a 3D firmware supplier)
Added an "M49" to assign an IP. Just because I could.
I will make this code available if anyone would like a copy.