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12-24-2023, 04:10 AM (This post was last modified: 12-24-2023, 04:12 AM by shedu1337.)
RE: waking up every 15 minutes and heart
thtats on the min 7 and max 7 settings. You are right everytime there is jump in flow rate i also get a jump in heartrate alaways, that means that i wake up and dont remember it, but i wonder what whould wake me up this many times during the night. As you can see i have ahi of almost 0 and also there is no flow limitations at all. I wonder if those awakings are due to breathing or some other medical condition. I attached screenshot that looks clooser at one of those. This night i didnt feel rested and i ended up taking a nap after i woke up for around 1 hour more
Here is update after 3 more nights on min 7 max 7 settings and epr 3 fulltime. I still wake up tired, but aerofagia is gone, i also atached closer screenshot of awaking i get, it sems like i start breathing really fast, and that comes with heartrate jump to araund 100-110 for few seconds. Is there anything i can try? so far i am using cpap since september but therapy is not working at all I wake up tired with headache at the sides of my head and leathargic feeling in body and yawn whole day. Also i noticed that after waking up, first 2 hours i have increased hearthrate that gets better longer i stay awake.