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[Treatment] Are these CA's positional or something else? - Printable Version

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RE: Are these CA's positional or something else? - LikeaGlove90 - 11-13-2023

Here's last 3 nights.. Note some small changes in settings (I read last night the pillow setting should be used for the N20?)

Sunday Night I used the larger cervical collar, nights before I used the medium sized one...

Woke up Mon morn with severe cramps etc. Will post prior 3 nights in next post...


RE: Are these CA's positional or something else? - LikeaGlove90 - 11-13-2023

3 nights prior to the last post. As you can see playing around a little with EPR here.

I'm a bit lost as to what to change.. vast majority of my events are flagged as CA's now as you can see.

Happy to provide any further stats or screenshots or info..
I really appreciate input from those alot wiser and further down this path than me, as I said originally, I'm running so blind here... some nights are great and <2; others arre almost 5.. I'm not sure what's working and whats not working.. 
as noted nearly all events are "CA" which i didnt have any in the sleep test..


RE: Are these CA's positional or something else? - SarcasticDave94 - 11-13-2023

OK, here's something to look for that can cancel out some of your CA from counting against you, in your OSCAR charts.

Example of what I'm referring to is within your second chart, Saturday, similar with Thursday. Some clusters scattered around in the others. That cluster of purple CA near the beginning of the sleep session, we'll call that cluster SWJ, as in sleep wake junk. SWJ will happen at the beginning or end of sleep sessions, and it's due to the transition between sleeping and waking breath control. It's there where you're bouncing between wake and sleep, and so does the control of breath causing little glitches like this.

I'm not saying disregard clusters such as this outright, but I'm suspicious of them when they're near the session bookends.

Did any of those sleep sessions result in decent sleep?

RE: Are these CA's positional or something else? - LikeaGlove90 - 11-13-2023

SWJ.. THATS interesting.. makes alot of sense and I'm gathering really doesn't constitute as true apneas or impacting quality of sleep overall?

And that's a fantastic question.. I always wake up feeling the same regardless usually.. which is less than ideal.

I feel better than I used to pre CPAP but really I don't feel rested and each night is pretty much the same most days.. I felt extra tired Friday (thurs night sleep) and Sunday (sat night sleep) but I did go to bed super late..
I think the other factor outside this is my sleep health is poor . I get in bed past midnight-1am and wake circa 8am..it's probably not quality.

I'm really not sure what, if anything to start changing in terms of settings and or "sleep aids" or any tricks

RE: Are these CA's positional or something else? - SarcasticDave94 - 11-13-2023

I myself was in a similar situation some years ago. I began adding more sleep hours, in part because I'm disabled and no longer working. This means I can sleep in if needed.

I'm not certain I would change settings on account of those CA, unless you want to try dropping EPR by 1. I do believe it may make the rest of the events increase a bit and may become less comfortable. You could try the edit and return EPR back where it was if it makes everything worse. Otherwise not changing anything can be an acceptable answer. Fatigue reduction may come down to having more time on the CPAP, as in length each night and also how many months used. Those 6 charts had 4 overall sessions of about 7.5 hours and two at about 6.5.