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V-Com: Hype or Help? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: V-Com: Hype or Help? (/Thread-V-Com-Hype-or-Help)

V-Com: Hype or Help? - BlueSky1958 - 12-28-2023

A number of videos touting this device. Been considering it but not sure it's worth $30 for a piece of plastic with button holes. Anyone see a SIGNIFICANT improvement after adding this to their therapy? Since I can't return it if it doesn't help I want to hear from folks before I pull the trigger.

Did you have to buy additional hoses, etc, to adapt it to your setup?

RE: V-Com: Hype or Help? - Sleepy Quixote - 12-28-2023


V-com tester here, according to my numbers it reduced efficacy and comfort of treatment (ran two separate week long tests on it to be sure). I bought it and the adapting hoses needed so it wouldn't ruin my heated climate line. There are others here who say it worked for them, you'll just need to wait till they chime in.

RE: V-Com: Hype or Help? - BlueSky1958 - 12-28-2023

Thanks SQ - your experience with it is noted!

RE: V-Com: Hype or Help? - Nightynite - 12-28-2023

Another tester here. It didn’t work for me either, to me it was an obstruction and I tried it with and without EPR and various other pressure's. It may help a newbie to a point but not me.
There’s some other post on here also about users experience too. Save your money is my vote.

RE: V-Com: Hype or Help? - BlueSky1958 - 12-28-2023

Thanks NN! Appreciate the response and info!

RE: V-Com: Hype or Help? - djont57 - 12-28-2023

Didn't work for me, AHI & discomfort went up.

RE: V-Com: Hype or Help? - BlueSky1958 - 12-28-2023

Thanks DJ - so far its a bust

RE: V-Com: Hype or Help? - OpalRose - 12-28-2023

Do a forum search for V-Com. Other threads should pop up.