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[Symptoms] Help my symptoms got better at first but then they came back after a month - Printable Version

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Help my symptoms got better at first but then they came back after a month - LordofthStrings - 01-04-2024

I started using my machine nightly near the end of October after a period of wearing it during the day to get used to the mask. I was delighted because I adjusted very quickly and I started feeling better within a week. I have chronic fatigue and a lot of daytime sleepiness and I'd say the daytime sleepiness went away entirely and the fatigue was reduced by a good 40% in a week. I was hopeful that I would get my life back. Then around November 20th I started feeling tired and sleepy more and more often. When I got my new supplies on December 4th I replaced the cushion and had three nights of what I assume was good sleep because I felt better again but after that it was back to feeling like I wasn't using machine at all. I actually feel even worse now than I did before I started. I'm super new to all this and just learning how to use SleepHQ and hopefully OSCAR soon so I was hoping for some advice or leads about where to start looking first to figure out what is going on. I attached last night's SleepHQ report if that helps

RE: Help my symptoms got better at first but then they came back after a month - PeaceLoveAndPizza - 01-05-2024

Personally, I am not comfortable giving suggestions with SleepHQ. Once you can post OSCAR charts it will be much easier for us to offer advise.

Please read the link in my signature on “Organise your OSCAR Charts”.

Am i correct in thinking these are arousals? - LordofthStrings - 01-11-2024

My I'm pretty new to the world of OSCAR but, from what i have learned these don't look like actual events. Obviously the one that isn't flagged is not but i included it as an example of what looks like an arousal to me. I'm having anywhere from 15-20 of these a night and i feel like crap

RE: Help my symptoms got better at first but then they came back after a month - Crimson Nape - 01-11-2024

LordofthStrings - Your 2 threads have been merged, since they both deal with your therapy. I can rename it if you wish so it will be more inclusive. Please use this thread to post further information or questions concerning your therapy. This allows a reader easy access to your history.

- Red

RE: Help my symptoms got better at first but then they came back after a month - LordofthStrings - 01-11-2024

Oh ok thank you. This is my first time posting on a forum that isn't reddit so I didn't know how it worked.

RE: Help my symptoms got better at first but then they came back after a month - Deborah K. - 01-11-2024

You have posted only short periods of your Oscar report.  It's more important that we see the full night to be able to help you.  Also, leave off the calendar.  We will be able to see more of what is listed on the left that way.  
Also,  Welcome

RE: Help my symptoms got better at first but then they came back after a month - LordofthStrings - 01-11-2024

Thank you! Here are screenshots of a day where i felt great the next morning (lower AHI screenshot) and when i started feeling like crap again (higher AHI screenshot)

RE: Help my symptoms got better at first but then they came back after a month - LordofthStrings - 01-23-2024

I've had some luck feeling better by adjusting my pressure lower but I'm not sure what these "events" are. I know if there's a big spike in the flow rate before it usually isn't a true apnea but I'm unsure what it means when there's just a slight change like this. I'm getting closer to feeling like I'm getting a good night's rest but I would like to know what these mean before adjusting my pressure further 


RE: Help my symptoms got better at first but then they came back after a month - Crimson Nape - 01-31-2024

Your EPAP is too low.  You are having positional OAs and I guessing that your old pressure overcame them.  Also, in the "S" mode, the VAuto doesn't report Flow Limitations.  The workaround is to set it in Auto, with the EPAP minimum a 4, IPAP maximum at 8, and a PS st to 4.  Using those settings, the pressure can't go anywhere.  

To aid in displaying your charts, please read the steps below.  I hope they help.
  1. Make sure that your display is set to the Standard view, your graphs are in the default order, and all graphs are of the same size.
     If not:
    • To reset the Default Graph Order:  Go to (View > Reset Graphs > Standard)
      (Note: Only the Events graph should be pinned.)

    • To reset Graph Heights:  Go to (View > Reset Graphs Heights)
  2. Resize the Daily screen's left panel's width, so each channel parameter only uses one line and does not wrap the data.  This allows more information to be displayed.

  3. Make sure you are at the top of the Daily screen and have not scrolled down.  Also, make sure you are displaying the complete day's data, and not zoomed in to any specific time range. (Take a guess as to why we mention all this. . .)

  4. To take a screenshot of your Daily screen, select one of the following:
    • For Windows or Linux: Use the F12 key
    • For a Mac: While holding down the Fn key, press the F12 key.
  5.  Follow the steps here to post an image: https://www.apneaboard.com/forums/Thread-How-to-Attachments

One more item.  A screenshot, using a 3-minute zoom on an area that does not have any events, would be helpful so we can see your normal flow rate waveform would be helpful.
- Red

RE: Help my symptoms got better at first but then they came back after a month - LordofthStrings - 01-31-2024

I had wondered why my flow limitations just disappeared so I'll make sure to make the changes you mentioned. Here's the screenshot you asked for as well