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20 minutes recorded for full night's sleep - Printable Version

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20 minutes recorded for full night's sleep - Deborah K. - 01-05-2024

I had a crazy night last night.  I slept straight through quite comfortably with my 11-day-old machine, but when I woke my machine and Oscar both said I had slept only 20 minutes!  I assume the recording part of the machine malfunctioned.  I called my DME and he said it possibly could have been a small power blip.  I will call again tomorrow if this happens tonight.

Has anyone here ever had this happen?

RE: 20 minutes recorded for full night's sleep - Nightynite - 01-05-2024

I think it might be a good idea just unplug the brick transformer from the wall for a few minutes.
I have no idea what it does but I have been told this on other electrical devices, like cable tv box, battery powered generator. Can’t hurt .

RE: 20 minutes recorded for full night's sleep - Crimson Nape - 01-05-2024

It sounds like your CPAP's time/date may be off, and you crossed its noon day change.
- Red

RE: 20 minutes recorded for full night's sleep - Deborah K. - 01-06-2024

Red, no, I checked it and my DME could see it too. It had however reset the clock and did not match the time I showed at home. I reset the time and I'll unplug and replug as Nightynite suggested. Can't hurt and might help. Thanks to both of you!

RE: 20 minutes recorded for full night's sleep - Crimson Nape - 01-06-2024

In case you have a bad battery or defective clock, check the time after you plug it back in.
- Red

RE: 20 minutes recorded for full night's sleep - Deborah K. - 01-06-2024

Well, last night was better but still weird.  When I went to bed I found myself feeling like too much air was blowing and it was a little harder to breathe.  I got up and checked my settings.  I had set PS to 5 but found that the machine had mysteriously reset itself to 5.8, probably a result of the night before's blip.  I set it back to 5 and went back to sleep.  My machine said I slept 10.05 hours (I was exceptionally tired, so that was okay) and had an AHI of 0.2.  But Oscar said I slept 9.36 hours (probably correct because of the time spent resetting the PS) and showed an AHI of 0.3 instead of 0.2.  Here's the Oscar report:
I don't understand the big empty space, as it seems to indicate a very long passage of time.  It also showed a slightly higher AHI.  The other weird thing is that the prior night's report now shows up correctly:
Maybe last night's report will correct itself tomorrow?  Weird!  This morning I checked all my settings to be sure they were correct.  They are.

RE: 20 minutes recorded for full night's sleep - Crimson Nape - 01-06-2024

Scroll down on the left side to see each session in that day's data. You can turn off the noon session. The newer OSCAR releases may require you to go into the Preferences > Clinical tab and set it to Passive, in order to turn off sessions.

- Red

RE: 20 minutes recorded for full night's sleep - Sleeprider - 01-06-2024

What time are you going to bed and arising? It looks to me like your machine time is off by 12-hours. On 1/4 it shows therapy start at 04:45 AM (afternoon) and going to Noon. The on January 5, you have short session from noon to 12:30, then therapy starts at midnight and goes to about 9:30 am. You may have set the time in that period which would explain the odd times. Double check the time on the machine some time this evening before starting therapy.

RE: 20 minutes recorded for full night's sleep - Deborah K. - 01-06-2024

Thanks, Sleeprider.  When my DME told me to reset my time I moved it forward a couple of hours to the correct military time.  I think I probably moved it to AM instead of PM, so just now I reset it going ahead 12 hours, so maybe it is now on PM time as it should be.  The machine does not indicate AM or PM.  I hope it is now fixed.  I guess I will see tomorrow.

Also, have any of you ever had this happen?  I'm still not sure if something is wrong with my brand new and hard to get machine.  I sure hope not!

(Off Topic) How can some of you see more than is posted when we put up screen shots from Oscar? I can only see what immediately shows up on the screen. What magic do you perform to see the whole Oscar report?

RE: 20 minutes recorded for full night's sleep - Sleeprider - 01-06-2024

Not sure what you mean, but this is what I see:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=58038]