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YouTube Suggestions? - Printable Version

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YouTube Suggestions? - rishey - 07-07-2024

Hi, Does anyone have a recommendations for YouTubers who specialize in sleep apnea but are not “influencers” who are trying to sell stuff from the various medical supply companies? I’ve seen some good videos but they all seem to be advertising some vendor. Is there any good YouTuber who can talk intelligently with a strong medical background about this topic? I just don’t trust people who make money by recommending things they make money from. Call me old fashioned… Well I am… old.


RE: YouTube Suggestions? - HalfAsleep - 07-07-2024

Hands down, LankyLefty.

LL does have some odd humor, but I like that in the context of all the boring videos other presenters put out there. It's so off the wall (and sometimes juvenile), I generally get a good belly laugh. LL is also VERY skilled in sleep therapy, and is excellent at addressing mundane issues like mask leaks. He seems to demonstrate every mask out there.

RE: YouTube Suggestions? - PeaceLoveAndPizza - 07-08-2024

As HalfAsleep said, LankyLefty27 is the best I have seen as well. Jason is far different one-on-one than his YouTube persona. He is a serious sleep tech who knows his stuff. While we may not always agree with his views, his knowledge is unquestionable and he cares about patients. Plus, he has the cutest cat which makes him aces in my book.

RE: YouTube Suggestions? - Narcil - 07-08-2024

Agree with everyone else. Jason (LankyLefty) is good even if his humor isn't my thing. haven't really found anyone else i like.

RE: YouTube Suggestions? - rishey - 07-08-2024

Thanks, all. Is it safe to assume that you think his affiliation with cpapsupplies doesn't get in the way of him making honest recommendations?

RE: YouTube Suggestions? - PeaceLoveAndPizza - 07-08-2024

From my personal dealings with him he is a professional. That thought has never crossed my mind.