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Could this be Cheyne Stokes? - Printable Version

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Could this be Cheyne Stokes? - jr991 - 07-29-2024

Hello, every couple of nights I will get one or two clusters of CA events that don't get flagged as CSR but to me they look a lot like it. Just wanted to get some others thoughts on this if I could please. Also, is this something to be concerned about at this stage or is it not significant enough to worry too much about? I do have a follow up with my sleep doctor in a month and a half. For some reason I can't capture an entire screenshot of all my Oscar graphs but I think you should be able to see what I'm referring to in the images I was able to attach.

RE: Could this be Cheyne Stokes? - SarcasticDave94 - 07-29-2024

What I do know about Cheyne-Stokes breathing is that you'll typically have heart failure. Do you? You'd not need to guess, your quality of life will be rather poor, at least gauging it from what my father dealt with. You'll also have a cardiologist working with you.

Your other merged thread didn't mention that you have any heart failure.

RE: Could this be Cheyne Stokes? - jr991 - 07-29-2024

I definitely do not have heart failure, however I do have some strange heart and neurological things going on at the moment as well. These clusters typically happen towards the beginning or end of sleep from what I have observed so far. I suspect this means something since it's not throughout the night.

RE: Could this be Cheyne Stokes? - Sleeptechmaster - 07-29-2024

That looks somewhat close to cheyne stokes but it does not look like a perfect crescendo- decreschendo that you would expect to see. Probably sleep onset centrals. Cheyne stokes would be more continually through the night instead of right at the beginning. That EPAP is really low so that could be contributing to them.