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SpO2 software

227 bytes added, 05:38, 3 May 2012
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The SpO2 software is used to view the data from certain data capable oximeters, in particular the CMS-xx oximeters. There are two versions of the software. The [[SpO2_software#SpO2|SpO2.exe ]] (it has the red heart icon) is the "live" view. The [[SpO2_software#SpO2_Review|SpO2 Review ]] (it has the green heart icon) is for viewing data downloads. In order to add the data to the [[Importing CMS 50D Plus oximeter data into SleepyHead|SleepyHead software]], you must first download the data via SpO2 Review.<br /><br />[[File:Icons01.jpg]]<br /><br />
== SpO2 ==
The SpO2 software (image of icon) is for viewing the data live. It will also save the data to the computer if you choose.
=== Using the Software ===
# Place the device on your finger and turn it on.
The software will detect the device is in use and will begin displaying the data. The default is to show the data for 4 devices (see image) and your connection will be for Device 1. Click the "1" in the left bottom corner. (see imagebelow) You will be viewing the data "live". You can view the data in 4 different time trends. On the bottom right, click the 1, 10, 30, or 60 to see the data within that time span of minutes.<br /><br />[[File:Spo2-04.jpg]]<br /><br />
=== Saving the Data ===
=== Turn the Record On ===
One of the more popular oximeters used by xPAP users is the CMS-50D. The instruction instructions on this page on how to download the data is based on that model but it should be very similar to other models. Consult the device manual on how to start and stop the recording. On the CMS-50D, you do this by holding down the button until the following screen appears:<br /><br />
<br />
<br />
# Tap the button to move the arrow down to the "Record Off" level.

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