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Beginner's Guide to SleepyHead

877 bytes added, 20:13, 9 March 2018
Basic SleepyHead Organization
The '''Main Menu''' on Windows is at the top of the SleepyHead window (like the Main Menu for any other application). It's a pretty standard main menuand is the same in both Windows and Mac versions.
The '''Navigation Bar''' is always visible and it's always in the middle of the top part of the windowon a Mac, and below the Main Menu on the left in Windows. Clicking each button on this Navigation changes the data. Each of the data views will be examined in more detail further down in this article.
The '''Right Sidebar''' duplicates the Navigation bar AND adds an Import icon that can be used to start the import data process talked about in [ 2. Running SleepyHead for the first time]. The Right Sidebar usually takes up a lot of real estate on a laptop computer. You can turn the Right Sidebar off by pressing the F8 button on the keyboard. (On a Mac you may have to use Shift-F8 depending on how you have your function keys set up.)
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In Windows, the File menu looks much the same except that it also contains "Preferences" and "Exit" as menu options. The Preferences Menu is particularly important as it opens menu choices to adjust settings for Import, CPAP, Oximetry, Events, Waveforms and Appearance. See [[SleepyHead Chart Organization]] to see how these Preferences are used in organizing your charts. (These Preferences are under the SleepyHead menu on the Mac).<br />
[[file:Sleepyhead File menu.png]]
[[file:Sleepyhead Preferences.png]]
For a new SleepyHead user, the most important options on this menu are the "Import Data" and "Edit Profile". In Windows, add "Preferences" to that list. For now you can ignore the other options under the '''File''' menu.<br />
The View menu'''
The '''View''' menu looks like this on both a Mac and a Windows machine:
It's important to keep "Link Graph Groups" checked. As long as that's checked, when you zoom in on one of the daily graphs, all the daily graphs will zoom in the same amount. That's very useful when you need to look at more than one graph to see what's going on.
Unchecking "Right Sidebar(F8)" will make the Right Sidebar disappear, which gives the graphs in the Daily View more room.
"Fullscreen Toggle(F11)" is self explanatoryPrepares the Sleepyhead screen for a screenshot by hiding personal identifying information and closing the right sidebar. If Remember if you are working on a laptoptoggle to full-screen using F11, that's often an important thing you must toggle back using F11 again to know aboutsee the menu controls.
"Take Screenshot(F12)" is also self explanatory. In earlier versions of SleepyHead, this was really buggy. It seems to work much better in SleepyHead 0.9.5 and 0.9.6. On a Mac, SleepyHead will tell you the location of the saved screenshot. On a very small netbooks running Windows 7, it's not completely clear whether "Take Screenshot" works and it does NOT tell the user the location of the saved screenshot.
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The calendar can be useful for navigation, but if you are posting a Sleepyhead Daily Detail graph on the forum, it should be minimized. To minimize the monthly calendar, just click on the triangle to the left of the current date. This is described in [[SleepyHead Chart Organization]]
If you click on a date in the calendar, the daily data for that date loads into the daily data window. It's also important to understand that the data for June 20, 2014 is the data for the NIGHT that started on June 20, 2014 and ended on the morning of June 21, 2014. And that's true regardless of whether you get to bed before midnight.

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Navigation menu