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Beginner's Guide to SleepyHead

7 bytes removed, 14:15, 11 March 2018
Show Leak Redline
* ''Custom User Event Flagging.'' It's recommended that most users leave this unchecked. It can be useful if you have a lot of "almost" apneas or "almost" hypopneas showing up in your detailed data, but it really is an advanced feature.
* ''AHI/Hour Graph Settings.'' The default is to have the box by Zero Reset unchecked. Leaving the box unchecked tells the AHI/hour graph to keep a running total of the number of events (OAs + CAs + Hs) that have happened in the last 60 minutes. To make the AHI/hour graph behave like the ResScan AHI/Hour graph, you need to check the Zero Reset box; then the AHI count is set back to 0 at the top of every hour.
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===A detailed look at the Show Leak Redline option===

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