→Justifying ASV
** Witnessed apneas
For Central Sleep Apnea
* Document a ''central apnea-central hypopnea index (CAHI) is greater than or equal to 5 per hour''' also apnea-hypopnea index '''(AHI) greater than 5'''
* Document The sum total of '''central apneas plus central hypopneas is greater than 50% of the total apneas and hypopneas'''
* Document the presence of at least one of the following symptoms:
** Sleepiness,
** Awakening short of breath,
** Difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep,
** frequent awakenings, or
** nonrestorative sleep,
** Snoring,
** Witnessed apneas
'''Central sleep apnea (CSA)''' is defined as:
# An apnea-hypopnea index '''(AHI) greater than 5''', and# The sum total of '''central apneas plus central hypopneas is greater than 50% of the total apneas and hypopneas''', and# A '''central apnea-central hypopnea index (CAHI) is greater than or equal to 5 per hour''', and
# The presence of at least one of the following: Sleepiness, Awakening short of breath, Difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, frequent awakenings, or nonrestorative sleep, Snoring, Witnessed apneas
# There is no evidence of daytime or nocturnal hypoventilation
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