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Beginner's Guide to SleepyHead

1 byte removed, 12:48, 18 March 2019
For Linux:
===For Linux:===
SleepyHead 1.1.0 has an automated installer for Unbuntu 15.04. Download the installer, run it and follow the instructions. There is no installer for any other version of Linux. However, experienced Linux users can download the source and compile it if they want to run SleepyHead on a Linux system other than Unbuntu 15.04. Source code for SleepyHead is found at in this [ JediMark's SleepyHead code/ Sourcecode folder] page.
There are several different Linux packages available. Some older versions are stored in the Releases folder on the Sourceforge site. You can find them by going [ here]. Select the appropriate package for your particular Linux machine. Install the software in the normal way for your system. NOTE: I have NOT installed SleepyHead on a Linux system, and I don't know how well the packages work. Most Linux users know their way around their system however, and are not newbies when it comes to downloading software. For the newer versions of SleepyHead for Linux, please refer to the wiki instructions on [ Building SleepyHead from Source] and a [ forum thread here].

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