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==== Comments ====* One assumption I've made here is that the port on the Bleep interface has an outer diameter of 22 mm. That is a standard size for tubing and parts used by most CPAP manufacturers. If that is not the case, I can't help you. You will have to find tubing, adapters, and a vent that will work with the Bleep dimensions. * Another concern might be that the Corr-A-Flex tubing might fit but because the port is so short the tubing may not stay connected after a bit of distortion, i.e., it might easily slip off. Be gentle with the tubing to avoid stretching it and bringing this problem on or exasperating it. If this happens you might be able to obtain some kind of a clamp to hold the hose on the port. A clamp I used to use in the laboratory is known as a Keck Clip and designed to keep standard taper glassware joints joined. They are also available at Amazon, but you would be on your own to investigate whether they are needed and/or would work. Also, you can just renew the Corr-A-Flex tubing as needed.
* The vent in the Whisper Swivel II will substitute for these vents, but at a greater distance from your face forcing you to "Rebreathe" about 58 CC of used air for each 6-inch section of Corr-A-Flex tubing you insert in your line. Your tidal volume is probably on the order of 600 CC, Note that this will vary by individual, sex, and size. If so, you will be reducing the amount of fresh air you breathe in each breath by about 10% for each length of tubing. Nothing I've ever seen in print used any more than 18 inches of tubing. I can't support using anything greater for that reason and because even at 18 inches I was less comfortable.
* Note that your tidal volume may go up. I've never seen a good explanation of this phenomenon or any warnings that it is dangerous. Mine went up from the low to mid 600's to the low 800's. After months of using the 12 inches of rebreathing space, my tidal volumes run in the mid 700's. So, my body has adjusted to the EERS. I've been using it since early February and experimented before that starting in November of 2019
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