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1 year sleep results came back. i'm not sure how to read it.
I recently asked for a new reading because i'm not quite happy with how things go at the moment.
A 3 months result came back last week and i'm just not sure how to feel about it since they say that it all looks fine with an average ahi of 4.9 per hour.
I was never diagnosed with cental sleep apnea, only obstructive but yet i do have central sleep apneas every night, sometimes i have more central than obstructive apneas.
I called my neurologist one year ago to discuss the central sleep apnea events but she told me that it was probably due to (too) high pressure so my machine's pressure is now continuous instead of flexible/variable but i still have central apneas.
I also do notice that some nights i have 'cheyne stokes' events and i do not know how or why.
Can anyone tell me more about the possible reasons for CA/Cheyne stokes? I think there's a link between the two?
Machine: Lowenstein Luisa Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Resmed Quattro FX Humidifier: separate F&P humidifier CPAP Pressure: Epap 4-20 PS 4-20; "auto" rate CPAP Software: Not using software
Other Comments: Using 45 degree angle upper body wedge (36"x36") and 4.5"soft cervical collar; 500 assured tidal vol
RE: 1 year sleep results came back. i'm not sure how to read it.
Welcome to ApneaBoard Jenn84. If you want to download OSCAR and post some charts here, then experts can look at it and give recommendations. OSCAR looks at many different variables during sleep. Outstanding software.
In your other thread, Crimson Nape (Red) gives the instructions on how to help your therapy. Like Red said also, real, true Cheyne - Stokes respirations are very rare to see. Periodic breathing is much more common.
As far as central apneas go: your Dr. was right (partially). Higher pressure usually does increase CA's. But if you keep having too many CA's even at lower pressures, then a ventilating type machine (with a back up rate - that will breathe for you when you miss breaths from CA's) will most likely help you more. No need to get worried or alarmed or anything.
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