So get this. A few days ago my AHI was 14+ with most of those being open airway events. I have done a ton of research and studying to try to eliminate some of my side effects and have better results.
My problems were nocturia and not being able to fall back asleep. I had no major leaks. My apneas + Hypopneas were under 3.
I felt awful!
I have made many changes since diagnosis like eliminating almost all caffeine, not drinking anything after 7 at night.
Now I have added a pair of compression socks, limiting liquid after 6, one half dose of Cystex, eye moisturizer... Saline rinses every night and nasal steroids in the mornings every 2-3 days. I have been increasing my vitamin D intake.
I also take . 5 mg of lorezepam about an hour before bed and Zantac 2 hours before bed. This is my routine.
The last 2 nights have been better. Last night my AHI was 5.6. My CAI was 4.4.
I'm feeling much better and closer to my normal tired self. I'm hoping this keeps improving and I have renewed energy and purpose soon.
A couple symptoms from therapy I'm working on... My sinuses feel under pressure. My nose feels inflated and is sometimes throbbing. Trying to keep my mask at minimum pressure without leaks and not blowing off my face at higher pressure.
TIA and thanks for all your guidance those who have helped.