04-08-2023, 08:54 AM
Still trying to make CPAP work after 2 years... Very tired :(
I'm not sure what's going on but I wake up most mornings without my mask or my wife waking me up at 3 AM and telling me to put my mask back on. I've tried setting the pressures m 16.0yself and I just feel O2 starved for a while when I first put it on. I've tried so many different masks and the only one I can seem to tolerate is the AirFit N30i. I'm not sure which charts I would need to post to help you help me.
My settings are:
AirCurve 10 vauto
max ipap 16.0
min epap 7.4
ps 4.0
ti max 2.0
ti min 0.3
trigger med
cycle med
mask nasal