RE: HI 0.0 for a week straight.. is this a malfunction?
I have merged your two threads as both refer to your Cpap journey. It makes it easier for those that offer advice to see your history in one thread.
Going forward, please continue to post your questions and
OSCAR charts in this thread.
RE: HI 0.0 for a week straight.. is this a malfunction?
Your straps sound annoying. I use Pad-a-Cheeks on my straps, especially the one at the back of my head. Makes a huge difference.
Although your mouth might not be opening, you might be grinding your teeth more? This would not be detectable on Oscar.
RE: HI 0.0 for a week straight.. is this a malfunction?
Looking into those now, I think I'll buy 'em! Yeah even though it's so miniscule I find there's a lot of pressure on the top of my ears and back of my head, I have long hair too so it drags the straps down no matter water aka ear pain always.
I'm a massive massive massive grinder/clencher!
RE: HI 0.0 for a week straight.. is this a malfunction?
Thank you! Does this tend to affect peoples ability to weed through a thread to find the new post? A bit worried this made everything get lost in here and now I won't get an answer to my new question
RE: HI 0.0 for a week straight.. is this a malfunction?
All posts are arranged in chronological order. The newest responses are always at the end of the thread.
- Red