RE: BoxcarPete: An Adventure in Fine-Tuning
Don’t obsess over every little number. I’m about 6’2” (2m+a tad) in height and weigh 190 lbs (86kg for us lbs impaired), and my TV is around 440 median. There are ranges, then there are ranges.
Trying a FFM is a good direction. I know when I went from struggling with pillows to a FFM it was the game changer. It took a while to get the hang of fitting it, but once done it has worked well. Happy as Larry with it.
I still use an SCC even with the FFM to keep from kinking my neck.
RE: BoxcarPete: An Adventure in Fine-Tuning
That makes me feel a lot better, actually. I'm just a liiiiiittle bit bigger than you in both directions, so hearing that your pulmonary numbers are the same is encouraging. I was worried that I was underventilating because of CPAP pressure altering my breathing response. It's not too bad, and Gideon said on the previous page that the amount it's happening isn't worrying, but it's good to have another sanity check on these numbers to go along with it just in case it could be a barrier to restful sleep (which I feel I am not really getting despite AHI trending 1.5±1 most nights).
I'm planning exactly your setup for tonight with my new FFM and a collar to stop chin tucking.
PS, if you're 6'2" you're probably like 188-189cm, not over 2m. My brother is almost exactly 2m and he was an offensive lineman for Michigan.
RE: BoxcarPete: An Adventure in Fine-Tuning
Fair enough. I was 2m+ when I got married almost 50 years ago ago when dinosaurs ruled the Earth. Time has taken its toll on many things. Hair, weight, height, back, knees, eyesight, all have suffered the slings and arrows of time. Ah, the halcyon days of yore…
Never played that football, but in real football I was a goalie and a bad one at that. Embarrassingly bad one in fact. They could have replaced me with a garbage bin and it would have stopped more balls them I did. No sports ability whatsoever.