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I started therapy 3 months ago and 1-2 times per week, I get an error message that the heating/humidifier failed. I started a warranty case with my DME and I was thinking I will get a new Airsense 11 after dropping mine off (It will be send to ResMed from there; they already have a shipping label). When I came home, I plugged the machine in and checked the about page. See and behold, the machine already ran for 473.4 hours. Is it safe to assume I got a used/refurbished unit as replacement? Should I call and complain or is this normal?
The only thing normal about CPAP is the abnormality of it all. Every DME is different, so no consistency regarding how they replace machines.
473 hours is about 2 months of use, not much at all and less than you likely had on your original machine. It is up to you whether you want a new machine or are fine with one that was slightly used. Knowing what I know now, I would be fine with it. When I started and was new to it all, I would probably have wanted a new machine.
Personally if the machine seems good otherwise, I'd be happy to have had someone else off-gas the initial chemical smells. If it smells at all like smoke or fragrance that would be a different matter.