Third night, a few odd things
Last night was my 3rd with the trial APAP. Before I went to bed I spent some time adjusting the mask per instructions found on this forum, in the hopes I could avoid morning "chipmunk face", as I've been calling it. It was much looser, but was comfortable and seemed okay at first.
I woke a few times with tiny leaks, and this morning I discovered that it had come unhooked and was blowing full into my face and eyes. I also discovered when I went to import my data that I'd left the SD card locked after importing yesterday's data!
However, neither of those things mattered -- the APAP wrote to the locked card just fine, and the leaks and multiple middle-of-the-night adjustments didn't prevent it from gathering a full night's data. Data looks pretty much the same as the prior night, too. AHI 3.0.
RE: Third night, a few odd things
Some days you're the bug. Some days you're the windshield. . .Sounds like you where having a "bug" moment.
RE: Third night, a few odd things
There is something funny about the PR SD card! You don't have to lock it to use SH, bu when I was messing around with it at first I had it locked and it worked also in the PR machine. Easiest to just leave in the unlocked position