They recently sent a post with a press release from Phillips claiming to have released a new product for DME's that is supposed to help them reduce the amount of trial & error in fitting a mask... The idea is that it does a 3-D scan of the patient's face and plugs that into a database along with other info like age, race, gender, etc. for a search of masks that 'should' fit....
Sounds like a good idea in theory, although I have heard of other efforts to do fitting of other things w/ 3-D scanning that have had mixed results (One was an MIT student effort to make a system for fitting brassieres - no idea if it was real or an effort by computer geeks to see things they might not otherwise get to.... )
One of the claims that makes some sense is that it will give a standard measurement for facial features to help guide sizing choices. Since it appears that they only do the scan with the patient sitting upright in a chair I don't know how it allows for the changes in face shape that come with lying down, etc...
It also didn't say whether the product would only suggest Phillips brand masks, or if it would be 'brand agnostic' It would seem limited if it didn't include every mask in its choices but I can see an effort to promote Phillips masks over others as a choice they could make...
No idea how wide spread it is, or how popular it will be....
Anyone here had it tried on them and can give us a report from the patient side???