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Best mask for beard!
Best mask for beard!
Hi all. 
I’ve used my cpap literally every single night for almost five and a half years now. I’ve had almost zero issues. 
But now, I’m thinking about doing something wild: growing a beard. 
I have always used a full face mask, as I breath through my mouth when I sleep. The Mirage Quattro. No issues with it. 
Will it leak if I grow a full on beard? 
A quick google search suggests it’s a good mask for a full on beard. 
Any other suggestions for masks, or advice from bearded apneans? 
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RE: Best mask for beard!
I have a full beard and use the Resmed N20 with no problems. With the nasal mask only sitting atop the mustache area, I think there is less chance of the whiskers causing a poor seal. 

I have also used my P10 pillow mask with good seal success also. 

I would think that the leak rate with the FFM would probably be low enough to not cause a problem with your therapy as long as the leaks aren't from the top or sides where it would bother your eyes.

Oh, and welcome to the forum. Stay tuned for lots of useful information from other members.
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RE: Best mask for beard!
I use an F10 with little issue.. run 9.5- 12, have AHI <1.0, diagnosed @ 69...

…. Philip
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RE: Best mask for beard!
The F20 works with my beard. The Dreamwear FF does not. But I've also seen a poster who says the Dreamwear FF works on his beard just fine. So the usual YMMV rule still applies to masks. The Dreamwear might not work for me without the beard either, but I haven't needed the Dreamwear FF enough to do that.

The FF mask really only cares about the area under your lip where the seal makes contact, so the style of beard and mustache can make a difference. Some people's beards won't touch the seal at all.
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RE: Best mask for beard!
A good reference source for masks is Supplier #1. They have charts for each mask and and one of things it lists under spec's is facial hair.
Download SleepyHead
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RE: Best mask for beard!
Your face is unique.  What works for me may or may not work for you.

YOU will have to try the mask to see if it will work for you.
If you are reading this you are looking at my photo with an Amara View FFM/Hybrid mask.  That is my backup mask.  The Amara seals just below my lower lip where my beard is thin.
My everyday mask is the ResMed P10 nasal pillows.  Many of the nasal masks also work for me, Eson, N10, Mirage Activa.

It never hurts to read/reread the Mask Primer (see my signature for the link) for any mask issues.

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RE: Best mask for beard!
Thanks so much for all the replies people. I really appreciate it. I think the first thing to do is just try out my current mask. I don’t think nasal pillows will work for me because of the mouth breathing. 

Thanks again.
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RE: Best mask for beard!
I don't have much mask experience. they tried 6 or 8 masks on me (with beard) at my in-lab titration. none sealed until the airfit p10 pillows. I've used that for almost 2 years with lots of mouth leaks in the early days. solved that problem with a soft cervical collar. depending on your particular issues, the air pressure in your nose might reduce your propensity to mouth breathe. if not, a soft cervical collar, mouth taping and chin strap are common means of managing mouth leaks.
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RE: Best mask for beard!
I WAS a mouth breather and I use pillows as my primary mask.

From the Mask Primer

Mouth Breathing
Mouth Breathing is when you open your mouth and the air pressure from your PAP is venting out your mouth typically showing on your charts as a large leak which can substantially negate the effectiveness of your therapy. It is generally not good. The solution varies depending on the person
With SleepyHead look at your Leak Rate graph where it is shaded (large leak/ LL), flat tops on this graph suggest mouth breathing. In SleepyHead right click on the left header of the Leak Rate graph and click on Dotted Lines then select "Leak Rate Upper Threshold" to get a line across the graph for ResMed. Manually set the value for Philips Respironics. Severity depends on how much over this threshold and for how long it is in the Large Leak territory.
How to manage Mouth Breathing, not in any particular order.
Tongue Trick. Place the tongue on the roof of the mouth, Practice during the daytime. The idea is to train the tongue that this is a good place to be, not overnight, but it works for some.
Cervical Collar. A "soft" Cervical Collar. This helps support and align the neck and keeps the jaw/mouth from dropping. This is becoming a very popular option. Rarely used prior to mid 2016. Users are posting a high success rate with this device. When OA tends to occur in clusters at different times of night. It's an indication that an obstruction may have occurred when the chin tucks towards the chest. It's common, and the solution is either an ergonomic pillow or soft cervical collar that prevents the neck and head from being out of alignment and cutting off the airway, but they can be comfortable, prevent leaks and prevent an airway from closing up due to tucking your chin to chest and other issues.

  • Fit: You are looking for a comfortable fit 2-inches larger than the circumference of your neck and just tall enough to support the jaw when your head falls out of alignment (measure your neck from collarbone to jaw and subtract 1".
It's a very small investment that has worked very well for some people. More pressure may solve the obstruction, or it might go away with positional therapy.
Chin Strap. A chin strap is to manage mouth leaks from a variety of causes. Most result from the jaw dropping or opening either partially or wider. The chin strap is to gently keep the jaw closed. If you have to crank it shut to make it work this is not the correct solution. Note that your jaw is strong enough to open if it wants to. There is one chinstrap that is notably different than others, the Ultimate Chinstrap, Search for it if you desire.
Ergonomic Pillow or CPAP Pillow, The purpose being to maintain a proper head and neck alignment while allowing for the mask maintaing the seal in multiple positions.
Mouth Guard The concept here is a closed mouth guard to keep the air from leaking out.
Taping. Definitely the most controversial. The purpose of taping is to seal the lips and prevent mouth leaks / mouth breathing. It is not to stop the mouth from opening. I make sure that I can easily open my mouth, when taped, if I need to.
FFM – Full Face Mask or Hybrid Mask. This is a very traditional solution and it is generally effective.
Dry mouth is a symptom mouth breathing that is uncomfortable. It can and does occur with some users of a Full Face Mask.

  • Many users use a product called Biotene to get relief from this symptom.
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RE: Best mask for beard!
Hi Red Sunset,
Welcome to the site. Ihope you et as much as I did when I joined a few years ago.
I am bearded and use ResMed AirFit F20 with success, as I need full face.
If you currently get by with only a nasal model, there shuld be no beard related issues whatsoever.
Good luck!
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