Ratchick, check out my
http://www.apneaboard.com/forums/Thread-...-your-data thread -- I've got this all over my data and it started 6 months into therapy
These nights stick out like a sore thumb on the overview chart -- you'll show up with a MAX (really 99.5th percentile) respiration rate of something ridiculous like 45-50. (Yes I know from a huge amount of examples that a ResMed machine won't record a respiration rate of more than 50. And I've got some 50s in my data, LOL).
When you actually look at the curves it's obvious to your eye that there's only about 1/10th of the breaths that the machine is counting -- and you can tell what it's reacting to what it's counting by the way it's bouncing around the mask pressure.
Are you seeing this on your ASV or on an autoset? With my vauto I keep the trigger sensitivity set to medium. I tried a couple of experiments with setting it to "very high" and I would get runs of data where the machine was obviously completely discombobulated!
Since I spent 6 years running with EPR turned off I've got a gazillion examples of runs of this. Without any pressure support the spells are pretty frequent. EPR/PS cuts down the time I spend breathing like this, but if I DO get out of sync with the machine when it's doing pressure support and the trigger sensitivity is above medium then it will send the mask pressure on a wild ride. I can sleep right through a severe positional apnea s***show, but trigger very high plus PS of 4 woke me up feeling like somebody was shoving their fingers down my throat. It woke me up VERY awake -- I sat up, put on my glasses, put the machine into the clinical mode and set the trigger back to medium, LOL.
(My several forays into very high trigger have led me to the conclusion that EPR is hard-wired to a much higher trigger sensitivity than the vauto's "medium" default. Which is mind-boggling -- why would the ResMed engineers who designed EPR do it that way? If there are parameters that aren't configurable, then ResMed has decades of experience telling them what's the best default value. But evidently the engineers who understand pressure support don't talk to the engineers who designed EPR!
For those deep stabby exhales with hardly any exhale, I posted about that here:
http://www.apneaboard.com/forums/Thread-...k-was-THAT and the general consensus was that it was coughing. Again I think the machine is fundamentally confused -- coughing out to show up as snore or maybe leak because it's noisy and choppy.