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Board Recommended changes results!
Board Recommended changes results!

Thanks to several regulars here:  @SarcasticDave94  @PeaceLoveAndPizza  and @Jay51 

Below is results after a few nights of experimenting plus a sinus infection clearing after day 4 on anti-biotics.

So, would this appear to be a good set-up?
ResMed 10
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RE: Board Recommended changes results!
My opinion is you do not have enough pressure. Even if you have to use a fixed pressure, the min suggested is 8 and you can set the max to 10.

Something like:

Min pressure 8
Max pressure 10
EPR 2 full-time
No ramp

Or even

Pressure 8 (or 9 or 10)
EPR 2 full-time
No ramp

A bit more on the minimum should help with the remaining arousals.
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