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10-20-2021, 08:55 AM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2021, 08:57 AM by fillmore50.
Edit Reason: added a detail or two about DS2 and leaky mask
DS1, Oscar, Leaky mask, back to DS2
Hello friends,
I managed to defoam my recalled DS1 and so I decided to use it last night to collect some Oscar data.
Unfortunately, a few minites into my sleep, the flow stopped and I woke up. The display read that there was a leak in the mask (weird, the mask was working perfectly well with my DS2 the night before). I tried again. Same thing after a few minutes.
Good news: here's my first OScar data (see attachment, it's just a few minutes I know).
I stood up in the miffle of the night and reinstalled my DS2. Unfortunately, I must have removed the mask at some point in the middle of the night, as I woke up and I had no mask (I used the mandibular displacement thing at this point), so it is possible that the mask is leaking.
Questions for you:
1) is it possible that removing the foam has made the DS1 unusable? I was careful not to cut the plastic container.
2) how do I check my pipe and mask for air leaks.
3) what's the status of Oscar being able to decrypt DS2 data? I contacted Philips about this, but so far no response.
Thanks but the question wasn't about my Oscar data (I mentioned it only because I succeeded in accessing the first sample of my own sleep data. I shared this little big achievement out of sheer enthusiasm). Questions:
is it possible that removing the foam from the DS1 has made it unusable? As in, it will detect a leaking mask also when the mask is perfectly fine?
how do I check whether a mask leaks? Is there a technique to check if there are tears in the pipe or something like that?
Machine: Resmed Lumis VPAP 150 ST Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Evora Full Humidifier: Resmed Lumis VPAP 150 ST CPAP Pressure: EPAP 5, PS 5 - 7 in iVAPS mode CPAP Software: OSCAR
Other Software
Other Comments: O2 desaturation during REM when untreated or on CPAP. High CO2 on CPAP even with normal O2
I am only going by the videos that I have seen on the topic, but they indicate that the DS1 will run without the foam.
What I am wondering, however, is whether you have inadvertently introduced a fault in the process of dismantling and reassembling the machine. At best, you simply have a poor connection as you reassembled. Worse would be a wire or something actually breaking somewhere in the process.
But as I said, I have no first-hand knowledge about this so please just consider this to be me thinking aloud to see if it triggers anything in your mind.
Other than that, I am watching with interest because I have just switched from a DS1 to an AS10 and am also struggling with leaks. I did have some starting on the DS1 but I got a new mask when I got the AS10, so I do not think it is the mask.
1) is it possible that removing the foam has made the DS1 unusable? I was careful not to cut the plastic container.
If you resembled it correctly. It should work just fine. Lots of folks have removed the foam and claim their machines work.
2) how do I check my pipe and mask for air leaks.
Pull of the tubing from the machine. put your thumb over one end. blow through the other. If you hear or feel like you can blow through it get a new one.
Mask you will need to to connect to your face a see if you have leaks around the cushion.
3) what's the status of Oscar being able to decrypt DS2 data? I contacted Philips about this, but so far no response.
Its encrypted its going to be a while.
Phillips doesn't care about OSCAR.
I hope that helps and like others have said we need a full nights sleep recorded to help.
(10-21-2021, 03:34 AM)Stuart Wrote: I have just switched from a DS1 to an AS10 and am also struggling with leaks. I did have some starting on the DS1 but I got a new mask when I got the AS10, so I do not think it is the mask.
Stuart have you started a treatment thread here on the Forum so we can help you?
Machine: Resmed Lumis VPAP 150 ST Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: Evora Full Humidifier: Resmed Lumis VPAP 150 ST CPAP Pressure: EPAP 5, PS 5 - 7 in iVAPS mode CPAP Software: OSCAR
Other Software
Other Comments: O2 desaturation during REM when untreated or on CPAP. High CO2 on CPAP even with normal O2
No, I have not started a thread yet. I have been playing a bit to get a feel for things and to decide what questions I really want to ask. I also have some tape ordered but not yet delivered to see if that is the problem.
I do plan to start a thread sometime soon.
Thanks for asking though. Nice to know that there are people on the forum who care enough to do so.